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7 Unique But Practical Habits For Christians Who Struggle To Pray

“The promise of prayer does not mean that God will change very difficult things in your life. But he will preserve you for as long as he has work for you to do, and he will transform even the difficult circumstances by his presence and perhaps by the presence of others whom he sends to be with you.(James Montgomery Boice)

“I’ll pray for you!” How many times have we made this promise? Are they empty words? Has this become a hollow phrase simply to provide comfort? In fact, are we even praying at all?

The Bible is filled with examples of godly men and women who call out to God in all circumstances — joy, sorrow, pain, and thanksgiving. In fact, we are commanded to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Since prayer is an important piece in our spiritual disciplines, we must prioritize and practice it with intentionality. Like a muscle that must be exercised, it will atrophy without stretching and strengthening.

But it can be so easy to forget or overlook this important practice. Here are 7 unique but practical habits for Christians who struggle to pray.

1. Use Meal Times To Pray For Others

The prayer before meals does not just have to be about the food! Pray for anything pressing or urgent — or anything anxious that’s on your mind. If you eat three times a day, these are three dedicated times you know your heart and mind will be directed towards God.

2. Write Down Prayer Requests In Your Calendar

When someone tells me they have a test, medical procedure, or something important coming up, I enter it in at the exact date and time in my calendar. I make an appointment to pray for others. Technology is a tool to help us pray.

3. Develop A Weekly Prayer Schedule

Set an agenda so you have important categories covered throughout the week. Pray for missions on Mondays. Pray for church leaders on Tuesdays. Pray for church ministries on Wednesdays. Pray for your friends on Thursdays. Pray for your family on Fridays.

4. Set A Timer For Your Prayers

Start small and go for five minutes of undistracted prayer time. Set a timer, stay in your room, and pray. Put down your phone and close your computer screen. This helps to give your prayers focus and urgency. And who knows? You might end the timer and keep praying!

5. Ask How You Can Pray For Others

Make it a part of your regular conversation to ask how you can be praying for the person you are talking to. It does not need to be a long and intimate tangent to your chat. Instead, asking for prayer requests should be quick and come naturally. Notice when others are feeling sad or anxious. Show love for others in this way.

6. Provide Immediate Prayer Coverage

When people share their prayer requests or something that they are going through, ask if you may pray for them immediately. Don’t hesitate to ask and don’t worry about being awkward. Your prayer does not need to be polished. There is nothing more comforting than knowing that God hears our prayers even when the words don’t come out right.

7. Share When God Has Answered Prayer

Let others know when God has answered your prayer, even if the answer to our prayer is not what we expected. Thank people for praying for you. This should encourage others to know that God uses prayer to work for your good and His glory.