On behalf of the Editorial Board and Digital Team at SOLA, we are excited to present Cultivate. Our first installment of Cultivate combines previously presented content at SOLA into a focused publication. This installment seeks to serve the parents of our readership with a set of podcasts, books, and articles published at SOLA and elsewhere around the web.
This week’s new episodes of our conference interviews focused on youth ministry. You can find the interviews at our YouTube, AALC Page, or on our Podcast. We shared Asian American Youth Ministry: A Closer Look (YouTube, Podcast) with Kevin Yi and Danny Kwon, as well as Ministering to Asian American Youth Today (YouTube, Podcast) with Cameron Cole and Clark Fobes. Find a sample, links to purchase, and a free discussion guide for our new book A Letter to the Asian American Church at sola.network/book.
It was great to see so many of you at our AALC. Let’s keep in touch on Twitter and Instagram. For more, check out my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group and TGIF Playlist on Spotify. This newsletter is one of the many ways you can stay connected with SOLA Network. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Aaron Lee, Editorial Curator

Enter our giveaway! Thanks to Moody Publishers for providing, in partnership with @diveindigdeep, SOLA Network, and FCBC Walnut. 1 winner will receive these excellent books! Links open to my reviews.
- The Kindness of God: Beholding His Goodness in a Cruel World by Nate Pickowicz
- Loneliness: Don’t Hate It or Waste It. Redeem It. by Steve DeWitt
- Envy: A Big Problem You Didn’t Know You Had by Mike Fabarez
- Incomparable: 50 Days with Jesus by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
- From the Grave: A 40-Day Lent Devotional by A. W. Tozer
Articles From Around The Web
1. Dorothy Lau: ‘It’s Complicated’: Intergenerational Integration in the Asian American Church
In spite of any immigrant church’s complexities, how much more can we delight in the Lord’s sovereign grace, mercy, kindness, and provision toward us. When we allow Jesus and the gospel to permeate our culture, we get to watch him redeem it, from generation to generation.
2. Richard Chin: Fearing God Our Judge
“We call the fear of others people-pleasing or peer pressure. Classic signs of it are the overcommitment that comes from an inability to say no, or insecurity, or an excessive sensitivity to the views of others. When we remember our status in Christ before God the Judge we are set free from this fear.”
3. Seth Porch: Christ in Foreign Clothes: Crossing Cultures Like an Apostle
“Paul worked hard to ensure that his own cultural background did not get in the way of the Christ he proclaimed.”

Will you join us in embracing the call for the Asian American Church? The collective voices in our new book argue that there is underappreciated beauty, diversity, joy, benefit, and place for the Asian American church. Asian American leaders need to joyfully embrace the call to serve the Asian American church, not only for the emerging generation but for the broader church. Find a sample, links to purchase, and a free discussion guide at sola.network/book.
Books, Podcasts, Music, And More
1. Zachary Lee: Sing Sing, Daughters, and Breaking Down Prison Walls
“Two new movies — a drama and a documentary — model the visitation rites of Matthew 25.”
2. Delighting Grace: Interview with Geoff Chang
“It would be wrong to characterize Spurgeon as ‘always preaching about sin.’ Yes, he preached about sin, but only to prepare the way for the Savior. Spurgeon was not a moralistic preacher, but most of all, he loved preaching the gospel. And Christmas gave him a perfect opportunity to talk about the God Who became man, for our salvation. His Christmas sermons are similar to his other ones: full of the Good News of Christ.”
3. Aaron Lee: Related Works
Listen to our TGIF playlist on Spotify. Join my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group.

Our Books and Reviews page is your one-stop resource for all of your reading needs. It features Asian American authors and issues, recommendations, and interviews.
Featured This Week On SOLA Network
1. AALC24: Asian American Youth Ministry: A Closer Look (YouTube, Podcast)
Kevin Yi (Editorial Member, SOLA Network), Danny Kwon (Senior Director, Rooted Ministry).
2. Daniel Jung: Redefining Good, Great, and Best for Asian American Christianity
“Our churches and ministries operate from a very unique adaptation of Asian American culture. We carry with us remnants of the practices of our immigrant churches while at the same time, we attempt to navigate around its pitfalls. We decipher, maneuver, reform, and reevaluate EVERYTHING as we learn to accept our gospel-birthright as children of God and communicate that truth to our members.”
3. AALC24: Ministering to Asian American Youth Today (YouTube, Podcast)
Cameron Cole (Founder & Chair, Rooted Ministry), Clark Fobes (Associate Pastor, First SF Baptist Church).
4. Faith Chang: A Prayer for When Your Best Doesn’t Feel Good Enough
God, I don’t have much, but everything I have, I give to you. Thank you for stooping down to receive me and my gifts so graciously. Though my heart feels the smallness of my offering, I offer even that to you too—the sadness that I don’t have more to give. My broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. Be pleased to make it yours.
5. SOLA Network: Introducing Cultivate: A SOLA Publication
Our first installment of Cultivate combines previously presented content at SOLA into a focused publication. This installment seeks to serve the parents of our readership with a set of podcasts, books, and articles published at SOLA and elsewhere around the web.
6. TGIF: Roundup for August 30, 2024
The Challenges of Immigrant Parenting / Christian Vocation Disrupts the Culture / Pastor, Are the Gaps in Your Faith Affecting Your Ministry? / ‘Nightmares and Daydreams’ Fuses Jakarta’s Social Ills With the Supernatural / On Shame
7. SOLA Network: TGIF Subscription
Get our TGIF installments delivered straight to your inbox for free every Friday. Join today so you never miss out.
General disclaimer: Our link roundups are not endorsements of the positions or lives of the authors. Header image by Kristaps Ungurs on Unsplash.