In case you missed it, we are excited to present Cultivate. Our first installment of Cultivate combines previously presented content at SOLA into a focused publication. This installment seeks to serve the parents of our readership with a set of podcasts, books, and articles published at SOLA and elsewhere around the web.
This week’s new episodes of our conference interviews focused on counseling. You can find the interviews at our YouTube, AALC Page, or on our Podcast. We shared Building a Counseling Ministry: Considerations (YouTube, Podcasts) with Tim St. John and Jonathan Holmes, as well as Counseling Asian Americans (YouTube, Podcasts) with Monica Kim and Will Chang. Find a sample, links to purchase, and a free discussion guide for our new book A Letter to the Asian American Church at
It was great to see so many of you at our AALC. Let’s keep in touch on Twitter and Instagram. For more, check out my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group and TGIF Playlist on Spotify. This newsletter is one of the many ways you can stay connected with SOLA Network. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Aaron Lee, Editorial Curator

Enter our giveaway! Thanks to Chase Replogle for providing, in partnership with @diveindigdeep, SOLA Network, and FCBC Walnut. 1 winner will receive this outstanding book!
How easily are you offended? In A Sharp Compassion, Chase Replogle shares seven hard words to heal our insecurities and free us from offense. Read my full review.
Articles From Around The Web
1. Tom Sugimura: The Scars of Hope
“Every morning we awake, God gives us just enough mercies to handle today, just enough pain to not overwhelm us, just enough pleasure to fix our gaze on him. And even our lament can be a gift, for tears remind us that we are still alive and recipients of God’s grace.”
2. Steven Lee: The Marvelous Mundane: Embracing the Slow Work of God
“Christ is at work not only in the high points of life — when we scale the Alps — but also in the valleys and plains.”
3. Ryan Currie: The Gospel Still Can’t Be Stopped
“In many places around the world, becoming a Christian means rejecting your family and community.”

Will you join us in embracing the call for the Asian American Church? The collective voices in our new book argue that there is underappreciated beauty, diversity, joy, benefit, and place for the Asian American church. Asian American leaders need to joyfully embrace the call to serve the Asian American church, not only for the emerging generation but for the broader church. Find a sample, links to purchase, and a free discussion guide at
Books, Podcasts, Music, And More
1. Emanuel Padilla: Caped Crusader’s Korean Theology
“Notions of ‘han’ and ‘jeong’ — which reflect Christian ideas of woundedness and reconciliation — drive the Batman animated series.”
2. Rooted Ministry: What is Asian American Youth Ministry?
“In this episode, Danny Kwon, Rooted’s Senior Director of Youth Ministry Content and Cross Cultural Ministry sits down with the new Rooted Asian American Youth Ministry Roundtable panelists Dorothy Lau, Huey Lee, Justin Wong, and Terrence Shay, to discuss the topic of Asian American Youth Ministry. They discuss what makes ministering to Asian American students unique from doing youth ministry in other contexts, as well as offering some encouragement for those serving youth in Asian American contexts.”
3. Aaron Lee: Related Works
Listen to our TGIF playlist on Spotify. Join my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group.

Our Books and Reviews page is your one-stop resource for all of your reading needs. It features Asian American authors and issues, recommendations, and interviews.
Featured This Week On SOLA Network
1. AALC24: Building a Counseling Ministry: Considerations (YouTube, Podcasts)
Tim St. John (Associate Pastor, Lighthouse Community Church) and Jonathan Holmes (Founder and Executive Director, Fieldstone Counseling).
2. Peter Lim: Our Unforeseen Journey through Change, Old Wounds, and Congregational Healing
As pastors, elders, and church leaders, we wield influence that can leave either a traumatic or a positive impact on people’s lives that can endure for decades.
3. AALC24: Counseling Asian Americans (YouTube, Podcasts)
Monica Kim (Psychologist) and Will Chang (Investment Specialist, Geneva Benefits Group).
4. Izzy Koo: Finding You: 8-Week Teen Bible Study Guide
“Aaron Lee speaks with Izzy Koo, junior at Pepperdine University, about her second published book, Finding You: 8- Week Teen Bible Study Guide. They share their mutual love for youth and the importance of mentorship and discipleship.”
5. Ashley Kim: Look for Beauty
“In a self-centered society obsessed with the endless refinement of our own beauty, we must fight to take our eyes off ourselves and learn to look up and out. Through the eyes of faith, we look for beauty in what God has made beautiful. We look for beauty in Christ and his gospel. We look for beauty in creation. And we look for beauty in the church.”
6. TGIF: Roundup for September 6, 2024
‘It’s Complicated’: Intergenerational Integration in the Asian American Church / Fearing God Our Judge / Christ in Foreign Clothes: Crossing Cultures Like an Apostle / Sing Sing, Daughters, and Breaking Down Prison Walls / Interview with Geoff Chang
7. SOLA Network: TGIF Subscription
Get our TGIF installments delivered straight to your inbox for free every Friday. Join today so you never miss out.
General disclaimer: Our link roundups are not endorsements of the positions or lives of the authors. Header image by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash.