I spoke with Daniel K. Eng and Jordan Ryan about their new commentary from InterVarsity Press: The New Testament in Color. Read my review, and check out the video and transcript of our interview.
In case you missed it, SOLA Network has teamed up with Rooted to bring you a new series in our podcast: Where the Gospel meets Asian American Faith, Culture and Parenting. Danny Kwon, Senior Director of Youth Ministry Content and Cross Cultural Initiatives at Rooted, and Monica Kim, Ph.D., will be bringing you new episodes every other Thursday.
Keep in touch on X and Instagram. For more, check out my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group and TGIF Playlist on Spotify. This newsletter is one of the many ways you can stay connected with SOLA Network. Find us on Facebook, X, and Instagram.
Aaron Lee, Editorial Curator

Enter our giveaway! Thanks to Serge and New Growth Press for providing, in partnership with @diveindigdeep, SOLA Network, and FCBC Walnut. 1 winner will receive this outstanding book!
Life Changing Mission helps short-term missions teams get the most out of their trip and live on mission once they get back home.
The devotions will help readers connect what they are doing each day to God’s big kingdom and see how God is using them, just as he did the early Christians, to bring hope and healing to the world. Each devotion emphasizes the power of God to use weak and needy people to bring the gospel to a broken world. Learn more.
1. Faith Chang: If You’re Feeling the Pull of Hopelessness Too
“For me, in those early days in ministry til now, hoping against hope has meant clinging on for dear life to the promise that Jesus is building his church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. That though saints may fall, God will indeed one day present his church blameless before him by his blood. And though it seems like we are losing, the story is not over.”
2. Greg Morse: Is Your Christianity Too Quiet?
“Let us bring Christ to the people that we might bring the people to Christ.”
3. Sean Nolan: 7 Things You Need to Know About the ‘Good News Mission’
“Perfectionism’s emphasis contradicts how the Bible talks about Christians. New Testament authors use both ‘sinner’ and ‘saint’ when describing believers.”

SOLA Network is excited to co-host an inaugural Asian American Youth Workers Training Day with Rooted Ministry. Steve Chang, Hanley Liu, Monica Kim, Clark Fobes, and a handful of other familiar faces will lead workshops and panels with attendees throughout the day. The Conference will take place on March 15, 2025 at Living Hope Community Church in Brea, California from 9AM to 5PM. Learn more.
1. 9Marks: Book Recommendations on Corporate Worship from Pastors
Is there a singer or musician in your church who is hungry to glorify God as they lead in corporate worship? Or do your members need to be taught that they’re all “part of the choir”? 9Marks asked a couple of pastors who have thought a lot about corporate worship for book recommendations on the subject.
2. Jeremy Linneman: Praying Psalm 62 with Charles Spurgeon
Can we really approach God with confidence? Can we actually bring Him our smallest, most earthly requests? There’s a Psalm just for these questions, and the 19th-century preacher Charles Spurgeon helps us discover its riches.
3. Aaron Lee: Related Works
Book reviews: The Risen King by C. H. Spurgeon, Both/And Ministry by Gary Millar, Unveiling the Cross by W. Ross Blackburn, The Christian Race by J. C. Ryle, In Quietness & Trust by Matt Searles. Listen to our TGIF playlist on Spotify. Join my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group.

On Kindle Now! A Letter to the Asian American Church. The collective voices in our book argue that there is underappreciated beauty, diversity, joy, benefit, and place for the Asian American church. Asian American leaders need to joyfully embrace the call to serve the Asian American church, not only for the emerging generation but for the broader church. Find a sample, links to purchase, and a free discussion guide at sola.network/book.
1. Aaron Lee: The New Testament in Color: An Interview with Daniel K. Eng and Jordan Ryan
Aaron Lee, SOLA’s Editorial Curator, sat down with Daniel K. Eng and Jordan Ryan about a new book from InterVarsity Press. The following is their conversation diving into The New Testament in Color.
2. Paul Cho: More than a Slave and a Prisoner: God’s Ambassador
A good ambassador ensures they maintain a close connection with their home country’s government, allowing them to effectively represent the home country’s interests to foreign nations. Similarly, God’s ambassador walks in a close relationship with God, allowing them to reflect God’s presence to the world. Through our work in the world, we establish an embassy that advances God’s kingdom on earth.
3. Young Yi: Dwell, Gaze, Seek: First Lent Meditation
The following is a meditative reflection to orient us to the Lenten Season. New reflections will be posted every other week here on our blog, and as save-able wallpapers on our Instagram.
4. TGIF: Roundup for March 7, 2025
Recruiting and Caring for Church Volunteers / Before You Cut Off Your Parents: 3 Principles to Consider / Preaching from Brokenness / Help for the Christian Perfectionist / Faithful Ministry Through Chinese Churches in America with Daniel K. Eng
5. SOLA Network: TGIF Subscription
Get our TGIF installments delivered straight to your inbox for free every Friday. Join today so you never miss out.
General disclaimer: Our link roundups are not endorsements of the positions or lives of the authors. Header image by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Aaron Lee is our Editorial Curator. Aaron also serves as the Social Media Officer of First Chinese Baptist Church of Walnut in California’s San Gabriel Valley, home to the largest concentration of Asian American communities in the United States. Visit him online at DiveInDigDeep.com.