Julius Kim, president of The Gospel Coalition, gave the second first keynote of the AALC Conference. This talk unpacks and connects Christ’s prophetic office to the contemporary preacher as he is called to discern God’s truth, goodness, and beauty and testify to it in his words and in his deeds. You can listen to his session below.
About the Asian American Leadership Conference (AALC):
On April 25-27, 2022, SOLA Network, The Gospel Coalition, and KALI hosted the inaugural Asian American Leadership Conference in Orange County, CA. The theme of our inaugural conference was “Fully Equipped”, reflecting on the Threefold Office of Christ as it relates to ministry in the local church. The keynote sessions, panels, and discussions flowed from the glorious ministry of Christ as our prophet, priest, and king.

To continue to equip Asian American leaders, we will be sharing our keynote sessions and panels online. We hope these resources will empower you, your leaders, and your church for ministry.