Daniel Jung
Daniel Jung is a graduate of Calvin Theological Seminary and an ordained pastor in the PCA. He lives in Northern California, where he serves as an associate pastor at Home of Christ in Cupertino. He also serves as the Associate Director of Communications for KALI - Korean American Leadership Initiative, a ministry of the PCA. In his spare time, Daniel loves the 49ers, good coffee, and writing about the intersection between faith and culture. You can find more of his work here.

Mighty God: The Divine Accommodation

Composting: Feeding the Imagination of the Theologian

Our Move Toward Grace

Redefining Good, Great, and Best for Asian American Christianity

Two Lunches, One Vision: CHCC and KALI at AALC

In Praise of Remarkable Mundanity and Immigrant Church Spaces

Predation and Power in Asian American Churches: The Need for Peacemakers