Michael Agapito
Michael Agapito is the associate pastor in training at First Baptist Church in Mattoon, IL and is working toward his Masters of Divinity in seminary. He previously served as the Resident Director of the Baptist Housing Ministry, ministering to the students at the University of Illinois. He has a B.S. in psychology from the University of Illinois and M.A. in Counseling from Wheaton College. Michael is happily married to his wife Amy, who is his partner in ministry and biggest cheerleader.

Two Things Young Pastors (and others) Can Learn From Tim Keller’s Life and Ministry

The Day That Old Saint Nick Made the Naughty List

How Jesus Is Both God and Man: The Chalcedonian Creed and The Two Natures of Christ

Paula White and the Prosperity Gospel Isn’t New, and It’s Hurting Christians Now

Explaining the “Blessed Trinity”: Why the Athanasian Creed Matters

Philippines: Why My People Need The Gospel

Was Jesus Created? Why We Need The Nicene Creed