Steve S. Chang
Steve Chang served as the founding senior pastor of Living Hope Community Church in Brea, CA, until stepping down in 2024 to embrace a new season of ministry. He is now committed to serving the broader church as the co-founder and chair of SOLA Network, while also consulting and coaching churches and leaders. He is the editor of the book, A Letter to the Asian American Church. Steve received his B.S. in engineering from UCLA, a ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a DMin from Talbot School of Theology. Steve is married to Hannah and is a proud grandfather of two grandchildren, with a third on the way.

Writing A Letter to the Asian American Church: An Interview with Steve S. Chang

Asian American Christians and the Great Dechurching: An Interview with Author Michael Graham

Two Journeys to Pastoring a Multiethnic Church: Interview with Jay Y. Kim and Mitchel Lee

When Asian American and Majority Cultures Merge, Part 1

How Immigrant and Second-Generation Churches Can Coexist

The Potential Perils of an Immigrant-Led Church

The Birth, Growth, and Future of the Indian American Church: An Interview with Pastor Thomas