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Watching and Waiting: A Book Review of Broken but Beautiful

Where is God’s glory in the local church? Broken but Beautiful is a compilation of brief reflections on the blessings of the local church.

Edited by Benjamin Vrbicek, this book is a project from Gospel-Centered Discipleship, with contributions by Timarie Friesen, Glenna Marshall, Tom Sugimura, Jeremy Writebol, and more. Their short stories are testimonies of God’s goodness to His people through His people.

God Loves His Church

Benjamin Vrbicek begins the book with commentary acknowledging the great hurt and disappointment some may have experienced from the church. He goes on to point us to the source of our hope, God himself, who loves his church so much. Such love is brought to life in the following chapters. 

Glenna Marshall’s early chapter provides an example of how the body of Christ functions like a family that loves each other in practical, tangible ways. She reminds us that every person has a part to play in the body of Christ, and no one’s role is insignificant. Timarie Friesen likens the local church to a sandbox–within its bounds we learn to reflect and grow to resemble Jesus. We cannot survive without the local church–the Holy Spirit uses the church for our sanctification. Elements from each of these stories reminded me of my own lived experience, and I found myself grateful that God gives us people to know and need.

A Part of God’s People

Tom Sugimura shares a story of a church closing—folding for another to take over—and the hope of new beginnings. He links the process of church revitalization to the resurrection of Christ, reminding us that death is not the end. When people start a church, their many sacrifices of friends, pastors, and ministries are not in vain. When I was a child, my parents made sure we were at church every Sunday. I reflected on how my parents made sacrifices as they participated in the planting of my home church – and I was encouraged to play my part in the advancing of the kingdom. 

Jeremy Writebol finishes the book by saying that, despite what culture may say about the need of religion and the church, the local church is still deeply needed today. Her leaders will disappoint, but the call to make disciples still remains. Writebol states it bluntly: “There is no spiritual formation, no real growth, no being formed into Christlikeness apart from the local church.” I felt proud to be a part of God’s people, and I am committed to serve her well. 

Watching and Waiting

My church just celebrated our 40th anniversary. I led the worship music during the service, and I was grateful for the gift of the local church in my life. God has been our refuge and our strength. I am convinced, more than ever, that the local church should not be taken for granted. Church membership is not optional for the Christian. It is crucial and vital. It is a must.  

This book will encourage those who forgot what the church is all about. Pastors and leaders will find it refreshing. Those who are new to the faith will see what’s at stake. Broken but Beautiful is proof that the local church is not at all lost. She is watching and waiting for the Lord’s return.

I received a media copy of Broken but Beautiful and this is my honest review.