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Christ is King: A Book Review of “Now and Not Yet” by Ruth Chou Simons

How can you balance longing for the future with living in the present? In Now and Not Yet, Ruth Chou Simons explains how we can press into Christ when we are waiting, wanting, and restless for more.

God is Sovereign

Simon’s book was instantly relatable to me. As the father of three young children, I have often dreamed of what it would be like for my kids to be just a little bit older. But while I might feel stuck, God is sovereign. He knows what I need. He has a loving purpose for my life and I want to be present in it. 

I was personally challenged by Simons to embrace the hidden years — the seasons of unnoticed labor, limitations, closed doors, and forgotten giftings. Hiddenness does not mean insignificant — and Simons calls us to surrender to God. We are to cultivate the hidden places of the heart as well as the public places. And God often uses the hidden to grow us and impact others in ways we can’t possibly imagine.

Christ is King

I was reminded to pray about my next steps, especially when I feel fearful and inadequate. My eyes were opened to how God had already (and honestly, always has) provided for me. God wants his children to walk with him today as he proves himself trustworthy for tomorrow. 

The book concludes with a compelling call to full and free living by stewarding today, starting right where we are. To persevere and remain steadfast, walking with our faithful Heavenly Father. Christ is King in the now and not yet.

I received a media copy of Now and Not Yet and this is my honest review.