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Relationship-Building Questions For Couples In Quarantine

As we enter another month of “Shelter-in-Place,” we want more than survival stories for our marriages and relationships. We want stories of the love of Christ on display and how God used this season to help us grow more in displaying our Savior’s love to one another.

One vital way to build our understanding of how to love is to have conversations that provide opportunities to minister Christ’s love. To that end, here is a relationship-building activity for couples for the month of April. Take one question each day and discuss it with the aim of participating in what God is doing in your partner’s heart and life.

Feel free to print this list, take some screenshots, or bookmark this page.

4/1 – How are we doing during this season?

4/2 – What questions are on your mind right now? What would you like to think through together?

4/3 – What challenges feel most daunting right now? How can we help each other?

4/4 – Does it feel like our relationship is a safe place where we can share how we feel overwhelmed and expect love? What can we do to cultivate a relationship where we can share with the hope of being loved?

4/5 – What are the weakness and strengths of our relationship that you see God revealing as we move through COVID-19?

4/6 – How can we help each other be still before God individually during this season?

4/7 – What can we do to help our whole family be still before God together?

4/8 – What personal and relational frustrations can we discuss more?

4/9 – How can we pray more together, both formally and spontaneously?

4/10 – Are we aware of what our Heavenly Father wants to accomplish in our hearts and relationship during this season?

4/11 – Where might God be nudging our hearts about an area that isn’t right in our relationship?

4/12 – How does our relationship display faith and hope in God’s control currently?

4/13 – What idols can hijack our hearts and keep us from worshiping God and sharing his love right now?

4/14 – What fruits of the Spirit have you seen God producing in our relationship as we shelter in place?

4/15 – Are there specific areas where we can be more honest with each other about what we’re feeling and facing personally?

4/16 – What types of things are we tempted to expect from each other in this season? What biblical truth should help frame our expectations of one another?

4/17 – How are we intentionally seeking to approach each other with grace rather than demands?

4/18 – How is our church family doing? How are we positioned to love them together?

4/19 – How are we helping each other move toward Christ while we shelter in place?

4/20 – Where have we seen God’s mercy on display in our relationship recently?

4/21 – Are we counting each other more significant than ourselves? How might we grow in this?

4/22 – What changes have we faced in our relationship the past several weeks? What are the unexpected blessing and the unique challenges of those changes?

4/23 – What unique characteristics of one another can we tend to focus on too much as we live in such close proximity?

4/24 – How are we doing when it comes to loving each other in the face of sin? Are we able to move toward one another even after we’ve been sinned against?

4/25 – How can we pursue individual rest without being self-absorbed and inattentive to our relationship?

4/26 – What unique opportunities do we have to love each other tomorrow?

4/27 – How has God answered praying during this season? What demonstrations of our Father’s love can we celebrate and cherish together?

4/28 – How has our relationship been led by faith in God’s care this season, and where has our relationship demonstrated hopeless fear?

4/29 – Are there any masks we wear when we’re around each other to hide how we’re really doing? What is a step we can take toward greater openness and care in our relationship?

4/30 – As this month comes to a close, what are the valuable lessons God has taught us? How has he revealed his faithfulness? How are we leaning on Christ alone as we approach the month of May?