We are in the midst of a new season of worship as church families across the nation and the world have transitioned to streaming worship services online. Things certainly feel very different.
Remember the days of rushing out the door to get to church on time? “Fine, you don’t have to finish breakfast; just eat lots of snacks in your class.” “Sorry officer, but really, I’m speeding for a good reason: to get to church.” “The family bus is leaving in 10 seconds, with or without you.”
As our commutes are reduced to one side of the house to the other, it may lead to thoughts like these: “I’m five steps away from my computer, so just one more tap on the snooze button.” “Stop arguing and fighting, we’re worshiping God together!!!” “Good thing no one can see what our family looks like right now.” “Preparing my coffee definitely qualifies as a Call to Worship.”
It can be helpful to have a guide and suggestions for this vastly different worship experience, so here are some suggestions to help us get the most out of our live streaming worship services. This is not the end-all, be-all list of things to do, but hopefully, these tips will set us on the right course so that we’ll continue to grow in our love and adoration of Christ both individually and corporately.
Prepare Your Heart and Body
- There is something about getting ready for worship service, entering the church building, and seeing others face-to-face that reminds us we are able to participate in something special: the gathering of God’s people for God’s glory. The physical dimension of our gathering will be missing, so we need to build in ways to prepare ourselves to worship our God.
- Wake up early enough so that you’re not rushed. Go through your morning routine. Consider what simple things might put you in a more prepared state for worship. For example, for some of you, it may be helpful to get out of your pajamas!
- 10-15 minutes before the service time, set up your computer or device. Recharge your device if the battery is low. Have your Bible ready with a pen and paper in hand. In the moments before the service begins, calm your heart by reading a psalm and praying for your heart and your church family.
Limit Distractions
- Find a place for your computer or device where there are no distractions (e.g., your desk, dining room table, living room, etc.). Clear your space of any bills, calendars, homework, magazines, and toys.
- If you have multiple devices available to you, choose the one with the largest screen. If you have a family or you’re worshiping with others, make sure everyone has a comfortable seat where they can see the screen.
- If you’re not using your phone to stream the service, turn it off or set it to airplane mode and leave it in another room if it’s going to be a temptation for you.
Have a Plan for Your Kids
- Talk with your kids in an age-appropriate way about your expectations for them as you’ll be involved with the worship service.
- If your kids are infants, this will be like you’re in the Cry Room, so nothing changes!
- If your kids are toddlers, you’re in for a handful. Set up a play area with some toys or other things to occupy them. And when we resume meeting physically together as a church, make sure you bring gifts and thankful hearts to your church’s children’s ministry teachers and volunteers!
- If your kids are younger elementary school age, have different activities for them to do. If your church has it, have your child watch the Children’s Ministry video first, then work on provided crafts or activities in response to the lesson while you’re engaged with the worship service.
- If your kids are older elementary school age, have them sit with you and participate in the worship service. This will be challenging, but let your kids see the beauty of the church family and your love for God.
Remember That We Are Participants in the Worship Service
- Our default whenever we watch something on a screen is to be passive. We just watch, but we must make a conscious effort to be actively engaged in the worship service.
- Participate by singing! Standing if instructed! Giving joyfully online! Listening and taking notes!
- And remember the church is not the building, but God’s people. Even though we are not physically together, remember we’re worshiping our God with many others spread throughout this nation and the world.
And a final suggestion…
Make Sunday Special
- Since you don’t have to commute or get to church early because you’re serving, you may have more time on a Sunday than you’ve had in many years! Redeem the time!
- Make a special breakfast for yourself or your family! Sit down and enjoy it together.
- Think of special traditions you can do to set the day apart for yourself and your family.
- Rest and enjoy a Sunday afternoon nap!
Every service ends with the benediction. The benediction is the pronouncement of God’s blessing on us as we take what we’ve taken in from God’s Word and let it out into God’s world. As you hear the benediction, think of ways you can connect with others from your church family, and be encouraged that we are God’s people no matter how long this way of doing church will last.
For those who are beginning to lose the charm of meeting online and watching Sunday services, we get it. We would much rather meet physically and corporately, rather than doing so online. We are embodied souls — we’re not just reservoirs of information. But because we can’t meet physically, we want to encourage you to see that meeting online and watching Sunday services isn’t disconnected from the grace of God; rather, it connects us to the grace of God. Meeting online and watching Sunday services is precisely God’s means of grace to us in this season and the way in which we receive life and nourishment for our souls regardless of the format.
This is especially true as we anticipate and look forward to Easter. Our celebration of Jesus and his resurrection is no less true and no less transforming even if this celebration is o
nline. The anthem of the cross and the resurrection is that Jesus is alive: He has overcome the grave and our rebellious hearts. Surely, this power is not limited to our physical gatherings. In fact, because Jesus is living and, indeed, reigning, there is hopeful anticipation of God’s action in our lives, especially during this unique season.
God is moving during this pandemic, and God wants us to shine brightly during these challenging times!
“There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call — one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” (Ephesians 4:4-6)