“If you want to imitate Jesus and honor his values, you need to remember Jesus’ greatest value is that he wants his name to be known, not just here but to the ends of the earth.”
To have a heart to advance the kingdom of God, you need to admire Jesus.
When you do your devotions, for example, the purpose shouldn’t be to know the Bible more, but rather to come out admiring Jesus more. When you admire Jesus more, that leads to wanting to imitate him and that leads to a greater passion for him.
With that in mind, if you want to imitate Jesus and honor his values, you need to remember Jesus’ greatest value is that he wants his name to be known, not just here but to the ends of the earth.
The importance of missions is central to the heart of Jesus. Christians should not see missions as some accessory to the Christian life, like a sunroof on a car, but missions should be a main part of the Christian life.
In other words, we should be passionate about many things, but we should be most passionate about the Great Commission’s command of making disciples. But we can’t forget the Great Commission’s words “to all the nations.” That is a responsibility and a command that our Lord Jesus Christ has given to every church, and if we are part of a church, then it is our responsibility too.
So admire Jesus and be passionate about him. Then you’re going to value what he values, and one of the main things he values is that he wants his name to be known to the ends of the earth through missions. Your job is to take that seriously and do whatever part that God calls you to do and be faithful to that as a disciple maker for the glory of God.