“Anytime you are bearing supernatural fruit, you can know that you are serving the mission of God with his powers and not yours.”
When we consider the mission of God and its supernatural nature, anytime you are bearing supernatural fruit, you can know that you are serving the mission of God with his powers and not yours.
It’s our tendency to be strategically-minded, so we’ll try to figure out, “How can I solve this problem using my own power and my own strength?” But if you do that, you’ll get nothing but a solution that is on par with your power and your strength.
I want for us to start thinking of the mission of God in terms of its grandeur — how massive it is. If you look at the Bible, you see these regular human beings, broken and frail themselves, who accomplished these great things. They did so only because they realized that the mission of God was not theirs — it belongs to God.
So the responsibility of the missionary, which applies to every believer, is to surrender all of who they are — all of the gifts and strengths and tendencies God has placed upon them — to the God who is the actual missionary. We join him in his attempt to accomplish the celebration of who he is and adding fame to his name. Our agenda is to join him as he does that.
If you can ever step back and go down a list of things you did to accomplish the mission of God, I would argue that you’re actually doing it on your own. You’re doing it independent of him.
If you can’t stand in awe of something that has occurred, then it’s a pretty regular mission. It’s yours, not his. The idea of saying to God, “I did this for you,” is distasteful to him. The whole agenda is for us to say, “Look at what you’ve done in and through me!”
No one is capable of worshipping God and no one is capable of serving God except God. Our mission for the entirety of our lives is to surrender to him who we are and all that we have so that he can make himself famous through us.