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TGIF: Roundup for January 24, 2025

We’re excited to announce SOLA NETWORK’s inaugural Board of Trustees. These individuals have been active members of SOLA’s journey throughout the years, participating in conferences, contributing to the recently released book, and being regular contributors to our blog. This first class will serve a two year term. The Board of Trustees will oversee SOLA while the council will set the theological and vision direction. Please join us in extending a warm welcome!

Last week we re-capped our top 10 articles published last year. Today, we present to you SOLA’s Top 5 Trending Articles in 2024. While these pieces were not published last year, their content has found staying power with our readership.

Keep in touch on X and Instagram. For more, check out my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group and TGIF Playlist on Spotify. This newsletter is one of the many ways you can stay connected with SOLA Network. Find us on Facebook, X, and Instagram.

Aaron Lee, Editorial Curator

Enter our giveaway! Thanks to Rooted Ministry for providing, in partnership with @diveindigdeep, SOLA Network, and FCBC Walnut. 1 winner will receive this outstanding book!

What good is the Gospel to the Asian American high schooler? In The Jesus I Wish I Knew in High School: Asian American Edition, Kevin Yi and Rooted Ministry apply the good news to the unique challenges and pressures that come with being an Asian American teenager. Featuring Danny Kwon, Ashley Kim, Terrence Shay, Soojin Park, and more. Read my review.

Articles From Around The Web

1. Tim Challies: The Greatest Beauty I’ve Ever Seen

“My heart would fail and my soul would shrivel without the church and without the glimpse of profound beauty I can savor each and every time we gather.”

2. Greg Morse: Do Not Love the World

“Dear reader, do not spend your life filling the hallway with stuff. Soon, and very soon, we will all pass through the doorway to God.”

3. Erin Wheeler: Don’t Make Church About You

“Our church’s gatherings are ultimately about God. We worship according to his desires, not ours. When we gather we should be governed by God’s word, not our preferences.”

SOLA Network is excited to co-host an inaugural Asian American Youth Workers Training Day with Rooted Ministry. Steve Chang, Hanley Liu, Monica Kim, Clark Fobes, and a handful of other familiar faces will lead workshops and panels with attendees throughout the day. The Conference will take place on March 15, 2025 at Living Hope Community Church in Brea, California from 9AM to 5PM. Learn more.

Books, Podcasts, Music, And More

1. Joe Carter: Biblical Theology Is for Nerds

“The reward isn’t just knowledge of an invented world but insight into the story that underlies all of reality.”

2. Russell Moore: How a Book Club Taught Me to Live and Die

“The point was not the reading—it was the friendship.”

3. Aaron Lee: Related Works

Book Reviews: Book by Book: A Fieldguide to the Bible and In Every Generation: A Fieldguide to Church History by Amy Gannett. Listen to our TGIF playlist on Spotify. Join my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group.

On Kindle Now! A Letter to the Asian American Church. The collective voices in our book argue that there is underappreciated beauty, diversity, joy, benefit, and place for the Asian American church. Asian American leaders need to joyfully embrace the call to serve the Asian American church, not only for the emerging generation but for the broader church. Find a sample, links to purchase, and a free discussion guide at

1. SOLA Network: SOLA’s Top 5 Trending Articles in 2024

Last week we re-capped our top 10 articles published last year. Today, we present to you the top five trending SOLA articles from 2024. While these pieces were not published last year, their content has found staying power with our readership.

2. SOLA Network: Introducing SOLA Network’s Board of Trustees

These individuals have been active members of SOLA’s journey throughout the years, participating in conferences, contributing to the recently released book, and being regular contributors to our blog.

3. Hannah Chao: Remembering Dr. King’s Words from a Birmingham Jail

As much as the United States celebrates and reveres Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., many people have never heard or read the entirety of his speeches or writings. This is a tragedy because that means they do not fully appreciate his work as a Civil Rights activist and thinker who used Scripture and Biblical values to fight for justice.

4. TGIF: Roundup for January 17, 2025

Helping Kids Value Perseverance / When Contextualization Becomes Compromise / The Lost Coin / The Best Ever from Ekstasis / Midlife Counseling Issues

5. SOLA Network: TGIF Subscription

Get our TGIF installments delivered straight to your inbox for free every Friday. Join today so you never miss out.

General disclaimer: Our link roundups are not endorsements of the positions or lives of the authors. Header image by Ingmar H. on Unsplash.