We released two new resources this week! Sara Kyoungah White wrote on Insa: How the Korean Word for “Greeting” Can Change How We Pass the Peace, and Soojin Park interviewed author Izzy Koo on Finding God in High School, College, and Beyond.
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Giveaway: Matthew: Evangelical Biblical Theology Commentary (EBTC) by Charles L. Quarles
Enter to win this outstanding book! Read my review. Thanks to Lexham Press for providing this book for our giveaway, in partnership with my newsletters for @diveindigdeep and FCBC Walnut.
Articles From Around The Web
1. Rachel Ho: A Life-Giving Brain Cancer
“I was diagnosed with a tumour in my brain … I’ve never been happier or felt more blessed than I do right now.”
2. Steve Eatmon: Hope for Those Tempted to Control Their Children’s Spiritual Lives
“As a parent, you can take your child to a certain point through Bible teaching, family devotionals, church attendance, and surrounding them with godly influences. But one day, you might face a chasm. And only the Holy Spirit can carry them across.”
3. N. Gray Sutanto and Cory Brock: The History of Neo-Calvinism Examined and Explained
Neo-Calvinism is a movement that desires to understand what it means to be a Reformation Protestant, under the tutelage of the Reformer of Geneva but in a different cultural landscape than Calvin ever knew.

Check out the new edition of our SOLA Network Magazine! Download it for free and share it with your friends as a great way to be introduced to the work we do at SOLA Network.
Books, Podcasts, Music, And More
1. The Every Voice Now Podcast: Obtaining a Sense of Belonging through Faith in Christ with Jay Kim
“How Jay’s ethnic identity journey influences the way he sees the worldJay’s faith story from childhood to young adulthood, and his eventual calling to ministryThe experience of writing and then releasing Analog Church at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic”
2. Rooted Conference Podcast: Russell Moore, “Facing Your Fears Without Losing Your Soul – How the Gospel Equips Us for Our Crisis of Courage”
“Teaching from the life of Elijah at the Rooted 2021 Conference, Dr. Russell Moore encourages youth ministers to find their courage in the way of weakness- the way of the Cross. While Elijah demonstrated God’s great power on Mount Carmel, he must then learn the way of weakness in the wilderness. So, too, youth ministers and parents must be willing to appear weak, foolish, and irrelevant to a world that will not recognize the strength we have in Christ.”
3. Aaron Lee: Related Works
Book Reviews: Matthew: Evangelical Biblical Theology Commentary (EBTC) by Charles L. Quarles, How Can I Feel Closer to God? By Chris Morphew, Romans: A Concise Guide to the Greatest Letter Ever Written by Andrew David Naselli, The King of Easter (Children’s Book) by Natasha Kennedy and Todd R. Hains. Listen to our TGIF playlist on Spotify. Join my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group.

Subscribe to our podcast for our interviews, messages, and article reads! Available for free on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube.
Featured This Week On SOLA Network
1. Vera Christian: 10 Important Personal Lessons I Learned From Adopting a Child with Special Needs
“These lessons are key to what I do today, and I am so thankful that the Lord chose this kind and gentle way to teach me. I hope you’ll learn these too—without going about it the hard way as I did.”
2. Aaron Lee: Rich, In-depth, and Insightful: A Review of Crossway’s “ESV Expository Commentary: Isaiah–Ezekiel”
“Volume 6 in Crossway’s ESV Expository Commentary Series is excellent and accessible. This book features contributions by Bob Fyall (Isaiah), Jerry Hwang (Jeremiah), Jonathan Gibson (Lamentations), and Iain M. Duguid (Ezekiel).”
3. Soojin Park: Finding God in High School, College, and Beyond: An Interview with Author Izzy Koo
How Izzy began writing her book, the process of writing and publishing a book, how to be a witness for Jesus in high school, college, and beyond, and the importance of building up personal and community-based faith.
4. Sara Kyoungah White: Insa: How the Korean Word for “Greeting” Can Change How We Pass the Peace
“God plants within each of his children a desire to speak peace over another’s life and has ordained it so that all of life begins and ends with a greeting. And so we turn with gratitude and holy awe to neighbor and friend and say with all our hearts, the Lord be with you.”
5. TGIF: Roundup for February 24, 2023
Disappointment with God: When God Doesn’t Do What You Expect / Spurgeon’s Preaching Prep Process / ‘Honoring’ Your Father and Mother Isn’t Always Biblical / Keller’s Formation: James Eglinton on Herman Bavinck / The #1 Lesson Learned from Pastor Steve Chang
6. SOLA Network: TGIF Subscription
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General disclaimer: Our link roundups are not endorsements of the positions or lives of the authors.