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Thank God It’s Friday: Weekend Roundup For May 3, 2019

For the next five weeks, I will dive into the SOLA archives and feature articles specific to Asian American issues in celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. This week, read or watch Pastor Harold Kim answer this question: How Can Asian-Americans Recognize and Help Dismantle Racism to Better Advance the Gospel?

May is also Mental Health Awareness Month. Read or watch Susette Magaña and Roy Kim answer this question: How Can the Church Minister to Those Dealing with Mental Health Issues?

Will you be writing anything this month regarding AAPI or mental health issues? If you would like your work to be on my radar, please tweet me @musicgoon or email me at

Link Roundup

1. Jenni Marsh: As churches are demolished at home, Chinese Christians find religious freedom in Kenya highlights the world we live in with religious restrictions.

2. Albert Mohler: Though once thought to be a god, the emperor of ‘secular’ Japan is still considered a priest of Shinto. How secular can a society really be when worship is involved?

A historic event brings theological questions.

3. Vera Christian: Bible Bite: Seeing God’s Fingerprints

“We often fail to see the silent, subtle, and secretive blessings of God—especially when the hardships of life are screaming at us. As I thought about this, I was challenged to go back and look at my own life. In the midst of my hardest moments, where was He? Could I also find these subtle hints of His goodness?“

4. Qin Lu: Teaching Children to Pray

Published on Chinese Church Voices – a weekly column of the ChinaSource Blog providing translations of original writing by Christians in China.

5. Holly Stallcup: Learning to See Your Single Neighbor

One of the Evangelical Press Association’s Higher Goal 2019 devotional winners.

Weekend Recommendations

1. Walnut Commentary: Recording LIVE with Pastor Hanley and Meryl

In a special episode of the Walnut Commentary podcast recorded LIVE in my 11th-grade Sunday School class at FCBC Walnut, Pastor Hanley and his wife Meryl share their salvation testimonies, the history of their relationship, what The Doctrines of Grace means to them, the role of hermeneutics in their lives, as well as some encouragement for our 11th-grade students. Listen on YouTube, Spotify, or Podcasts.

2. MBTS Magazine: Bring the Books

The new issue from Midwestern Seminary includes Reading Bibliography and Biography (by Midwestern Seminary President Jason K. Allen), Why Every Christian Should Read Mere Christianity (by Provost Jason G. Duesing), and The Resurgent Doctorate (an interview with Dr. Rodney Harrison and Dr. Owen Strachan).

3. Tabletalk Magazine: The Nineteenth Century

The May issue of Tabletalk Magazine from Ligonier Ministries includes Faithful Marriage as a Witness to the World (by Craig Sheppard), Christianity and Theological Liberalism (by Burk Parsons), and ow Does God’s Law Apply to Me? (by R.C. Sproul).


1. Christopher Y. Kim: The Answer to the Crisis of Intimacy

“Instead of retreating to our comfortable, private homes, we ought to practice hospitality, show self-sacrificial love, and be generous to others, as Christ has done for us. […] Then we can truly be known, and then we can truly be loved. So let us pursue intimacy both inside and outside the church, knowing that God ultimately knows us and loves us through his Son, Jesus Christ.”

2. Susette Magaña and Roy Kim: How Can the Church Minister to Those Dealing with Mental Health Issues?

“There are ways that [therapists] can come in, educate, and help you build a system to know when someone may need outside help or when it’s more of an issue of needing to educate the church community on healthy relationships.”

3. Michael Agapito: Was Jesus Created? Why We Need The Nicene Creed

“The Nicene Creed was created in response to false teaching, hence the extended articles on Jesus and the Holy Spirit. It gives us the proper vocabulary to speak accurately about Jesus, precisely because others were using careless and imprecise language at the time.”

4. Young W. Yi: Honor Your Mother and Father… Always?

“At the intersection of honoring and obeying our parents in the midst of disagreement is Gospel-centered submission. It’s in that space where we can find our parents being honored and obeyed, ourselves finding contentment in the Gospel and not our career, and God being ultimately glorified.”

5. Thank God It’s Friday: Weekend Roundup

In case you missed it, here is our roundup from last week. Bible Bite: When God Is Silent, God Caffeinated His World: Coffee, Tea, and Soda to the Glory of Christ, The Resurrection: The Single Most Critical Event in All of History, New details emerge about the attacks in Sri Lanka: The challenges of understanding the proper role of technology and the necessity of conversionist Christianity, and Is Jesus Weak?