We are releasing new episodes of our conference interviews on Wednesdays and Fridays for the next several weeks. You can find the interviews at our YouTube, AALC Page, or on our Podcast.
In our third interview, Will Chang and Kim Kira discussed Heart Issues of Asian American Pastors (YouTube, Podcasts). Next, Enoch Y. Liao and Terrence Shay talked about Diversity in a Monoethnic Church (YouTube, Podcasts). For related reading, check out our new book A Letter to the Asian American Church at sola.network/book.
It was great to see so many of you at our AALC. Let’s keep in touch on Twitter and Instagram. For more, check out my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group and TGIF Playlist on Spotify. This newsletter is one of the many ways you can stay connected with SOLA Network. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Aaron Lee, Editorial Curator

Enter our giveaway! Thanks to The Good Book Company for providing, in partnership with @diveindigdeep, SOLA Network, and FCBC Walnut. 1 winner will receive physical copies of these excellent books!
How can pastors prevent burnout and find balance? In The Unhurried Pastor, Brian Croft and Ronnie Martin redefine productivity for a more sustainable ministry. Read my full review.
What does the Bible have to say about beauty? In Beautiful Freedom, Stacy Reoach shows how the Bible shapes our views of appearance, food, and fitness. Read my full review.
Articles From Around The Web
1. Alex Duke: The Kind of Church Exiles Need
“Healthy local churches are full of people between two homes. They’re exiles.”
2. E. L. Sherene Joseph: Is God Calling Me to Obscurity or Influence?
“I want to write to build up the body of Christ, but platform building takes time away from my local congregation.”
3. Ashley Kim: How Sweet!
“If anything of the Lord deserves to be called sweet, surely the first is the sound of grace for sinners. For this is the kindness of all kindnesses, a gift to put every other to shame―like the taste of honey, the loving grace of our Lord is almost too rich, too much, too sweet.”

Will you join us in embracing the call for the Asian American Church? The collective voices in our new book argue that there is underappreciated beauty, diversity, joy, benefit, and place for the Asian American church. Asian American leaders need to joyfully embrace the call to serve the Asian American church, not only for the emerging generation but for the broader church. Find a sample, links to purchase, and a free discussion guide at sola.network/book.
Books, Podcasts, Music, And More
1. Heidi Tai: Anxiety Needs A Friend: Inside Out 2 Reflections
“How commitment to messy, real-life friendship can help the ‘Anxious Generation’ rebuild loyalty, connectedness and resilience.”
2. Louis Markos: Plunder the Egyptians: Read Pagan Classics
“Understanding Greco-Roman culture helps us read Scripture better and comprehend major influences on our Western world.”
3. Aaron Lee: Related Works
Children’s book reviews: Who Are You? by Christina Fox, Who Is Our King? by Natasha Kennedy and Todd R. Hains. Listen to our TGIF playlist on Spotify. Join my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group.

Our Books and Reviews page is your one-stop resource for all of your reading needs. It features Asian American authors and issues, recommendations, and interviews.
Featured This Week On SOLA Network
1. AALC24: Diversity in a Monoethnic Church (YouTube, Podcasts)
Enoch Y. Liao (Assistant Pastor, Boston Chinese Evangelical Church) and Terrence Shay (Family Associate Pastor, First Chinese Baptist Church of Walnut).
2. AALC24: Heart Issues of Asian American Pastors (YouTube, Podcasts)
Kim N. Kira (Preaching Pastor, Lighthouse Community Church) and Will Chang (Investment Specialist, Geneva Benefits Group).
3. Tom Sugimura: You’ll Leave It All Behind…And That’s Not So Bad
It’s times like these when we glimpse the momentary nature of this earthly life (2 Cor 4:16-18). The floor only needs to be clean enough to get my walker past: “Old man coming through!” The laundry and dishes can wait until I get my hugs and smiles. Ministry will be fine no matter how long I have to be away. Major surgery helps us fix our hearts upon eternity (Eccl 3:11).
4. Serena Wang: Reconsidering Our Injuries
Knowing that Jesus is with me and for me, is comforting and assuring. It challenges all the accusations that God’s presence has departed from me or is punishing me because of wrongdoing, and absolves all the fear, guilt, and shame associated with it.
5. TGIF: Roundup for July 19, 2024
Seeing Reality Is Better than ‘Being Seen’ / Hobbits and Third-Culture Kids: Befriending the Strangers Among Us / Protecting the Family Name / Perfectionism and Your Marriage / Jesus Will Speak in 100 Tongues, Thanks to Man Who Helped Disney’s Elsa Sing in 41 Languages
6. SOLA Network: TGIF Subscription
Get our TGIF installments delivered straight to your inbox for free every Friday. Join today so you never miss out.
General disclaimer: Our link roundups are not endorsements of the positions or lives of the authors. Header image by Jessica Ruscello on Unsplash.