Read all the way through for a new book giveaway, our book reviews collection, and our featured author Faith Chang!
This week we featured Julius Kim (TGC), Tom Lin (Intervarsity), and moderator Alexander Jun’s (KALI) discussion on Asian Visibility: Leading While Everyone is Watching, as well as Alexander Jun’s interview on The Journey and Value of Asian American Churches.
I asked Karisa You to read her beautiful article, and you can hear her voice in our new video: The Light of the World: How Jesus is Reaching International Students. Also, Tom Sugimura shared 10 Tips for Reading the Entire Bible with Your Kids.
Our monthly newsletter features our most popular resources. Read our latest edition and join for free. Check out my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group and TGIF Playlist on Spotify. You can reach me on Twitter and Instagram.

Enter to win this outstanding book! Read my review. Special thanks to P&R Publishers for providing our giveaway, presented in partnership with my newsletters for @diveindigdeep and FCBC Walnut.
Articles From Around The Web
1. Faith Chang: Why We Care
“The moments my heart is moved with compassion, the conviction to intercede and do good for another, these are acts of my joining God where he is already at work, where he actively cares and has already been caring. In our love, the love of our unseen God is made visible.”
Related: Keeping Heart: An Interview with Faith Chang by Aaron Lee
2. Curtis Yee: At Gracepoint Ministries, ‘Whole-Life Discipleship’ Took Its Toll
“As the predominantly Asian American church network expands to dozens of college towns, former members come forward with claims of spiritual abuse.”
Related: Understanding Spiritual Abuse in the Asian American Church by Soojin Park, Joanna Wong, Jason Min, and Thomas Hwang
3. Erik Raymond: Jesus Is Not Ashamed of Those Who Are Overlooked: The Story of Bartimaeus
“You would think that maybe a king would be drawn to people that are so influential and full of honor and wealth and success, but Jesus doesn’t need any of that. And it’s actually the people who fade into the background that capture his gaze.”
Related: Retelling My Story, and Throwing a Party by Alice Kim

Faith Chang lives in NY with her husband Jeff and their four kids. She serves at Grace Christian Church of Staten Island where Jeff pastors. Check out our article collection featuring Faith Chang!
Books, Podcasts, Music, And More
1. Gospelbound Podcast: Beautiful People Don’t Just Happen
Scott Sauls joins Collin Hansen to share what church members would be surprised to learn about their pastors, why deep faith feels like defeat, and how affliction can preach better than a sermon.
Related: Rising Above Cancel Culture with the Fruit of Gentleness with Scott Sauls
2. Asian American Worship Leaders: The Lion and the Lamb
The Lion and the Lamb (Bethel Grace Church) / What a Beautiful Name (Christ Central Presbyterian Church) / Raise a Hallelujah (NewStory Church) / Good Good Father (All Nations Community Church) / Thank You Jesus for the Blood (Lighthouse Community Church)
3. Aaron Lee: Related Works
Book Reviews: Divine Providence: A Classic Work for Modern Readers by Stephen Charnock. Listen to our TGIF playlist on Spotify. Join my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group.

Check out our Book Reviews for reading recommendations, with an emphasis on Asian American authors.
Featured This Week On SOLA Network
1. Tom Sugimura: 10 Tips for Reading the Entire Bible with Your Kids
“Our family recently finished a two-year Bible reading plan…in only four years! It was quite the journey, and we encourage every family to undertake it. Here are ten travel tips that will guide you through.”
2. Karisa You: The Light of the World: How Jesus is Reaching International Students
“People are yearning for Truth, and if we are willing to open our eyes and mouths, God will gladly point us to them. We don’t always get to see the work that He’s doing, but we trust that there’s always more going on under the surface, and we don’t have to cross oceans to see lives transformed by the Gospel—just our neighborhood streets, apartment hallways, and college campuses.”
3. Alexander Jun: Asian Visibility: Leading While Everyone is Watching
Julius Kim (TGC), Tom Lin (Intervarsity), and moderator Alexander Jun (KALI) discussed the lessons they have learned over the years about leadership through adversity, ministry pain, and pressure.
4. TGIF: Roundup for September 16, 2022
Is the Future of Christian Music on TikTok? / It Takes a Christian Village / How to Preach Winsomely and Wisely / 2 Years of Walnut Women and Talking on Technology
5. SOLA Network: TGIF Subscription
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General disclaimer: Our link roundups are not endorsements of the positions or lives of the authors.