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The Sound of Silence: Part 2

You can read part 1 of this article here.

In spite of our best efforts to practice silence, there will be moments marked by failure. Rather than condemning ourselves, we ought to look at this as an opportunity to draw closer to God. Like Adam and Eve who attempted to flee God’s presence after they failed, we too may try to separate ourselves from God in the wake of guilt and shame. If our innate desire is to turn away from the Lord, how can we better develop healthy rhythms to sit in God’s presence?

Be Intentional with the When and Where

In my lectures on the differing Means of Grace, one of the things I often share with my students is my lack of discipline in going to the gym. I know I ought to go to the gym, I may even have a desire to go to the gym, but I do not go to the gym. I struggle to commit without accountability or a set schedule. 

Like going to the gym, you can think about making space for silence similarly. It is a practice that can be successful when you carve out time to be intentional with the Lord. One possible issue we might run into is the desire for our time in silence to appear a particular way. However, the desire for a perfect set of circumstances could detract from your overall goal of presence. 

Another common reason why we might struggle with silence is because we are often in artificial environments that breed distractions. That is, we spend too much time away from creation. Although some people thrive practicing silence in an artificial setting like an office cubicle or a study room, these settings can often create difficulty in experiencing the felt presence of God. 

It could be profitable for believers to step out and be immersed in the beauty of God’s creation. Think back to your experiences going to a church camp or retreat.

At retreats, we are forced to be immersed in God’s creation. Outside of our cabins and chapels, all one needs to do is look around to see how God has designed the stars in the sky, the trees in the forest, or even the ruggedness of the mountains. Even if you are not particularly a fan of nature, you can easily recognize and appreciate intelligent design.1

Having access to a secluded nature setting isn’t always possible, but we can be creative with options. Instead of driving up to the mountains to practice silence, one could spend time at a nearby beach, park, or hiking trail. Should these places be unavailable, we can consider practicing silence outside in a relatively safe environment. The goal is to try to be fully immersed in God’s creation. 

To be intentional with silence is to use the empty pockets in our days to be filled with God’s presence. For some, it may be beneficial to set a specific calendar reminder to practice silence throughout the day. Others may prefer a set routine, like going to the gym daily in the morning or evening.

Embrace the Discomfort

Practicing silence can simultaneously feel manageable and draining. As someone who is primarily introverted, I don’t mind quietness because it would be a way for me to think and reflect. Yet, there are times when I struggle with the stillness of silence because my mind immediately wanders to my past mistakes and regrets, causing me to overthink. 

Overthinking would often stir up shame because I felt guilty for not being effective enough to serve God and His kingdom. As I have reflected on being a better husband, professor, or pastor, my guilt has led me to think about how God might be disappointed because of my shortcomings.

It took me a while to recognize that the function of silence was revelatory, not condemnatory. Silence tends to reveal the innermost struggles of people. In my moments of weakness, I would affix different labels to myself so that I could work harder to be better. 

Yet, all of these were moments where I needed to sit in God’s presence and allow him to speak on these issues. It eventually dawned on me that in my practice of silence, God was working through my feelings of pain and discomfort. He did not seem interested in “taking away the pain.” Instead, God highlighted these things to remind me of his presence. 

Some of us might internally say that we are unwilling to part with the criticisms because this is all we know. Yet, God, in his love and mercy, guides those who are humble and does not put to shame those who put their hope in him (Ps 25). He recognizes how difficult it is for us to die to the flesh, which is why He faithfully provides a way forward. As human beings, our tendency is to bury the past to avoid the sting of shame and guilt, but God seeks to uncover these things to provide healing and correction. 

Process with Community

This final suggestion may be the most challenging, but could be extremely fruitful. If there is one thing we can say with certainty, it is that all believers ought to be integrated into a faith community. Being an active member of the church community is seen as crucial because this is where we find opportunities to learn, serve, and grow. 

One major benefit of being integrated into a healthy faith community is the certainty that you will not be walking this spiritual journey alone. Several church members are going to be genuinely interested in your overall formation and well-being. Some people are willing to journey with you to offer support and encouragement in times of strength and weakness. New Testament Scholar Joe Hellerman describes some of the functions of the church as this:

“We share our hearts with one another. This is the emotional attachment, the affective sense of closeness and intimacy that the Holy Spirit weaves into the lives of brothers and sisters in Christ who spend time together and share life and ministry together.” 2

According to Hellerman, we need to remain in the church because our faith is communal, not individualistic. As we spend time processing our time with God in silence, we should consider how we might spend time with one another. 

There will always be time for fun and games in the context of community and we ought to be fully present in those moments. However, there will be moments that require transparency, vulnerability, and accountability. When we are at the foot of those moments, we ought to pause, reflect, and share with openness with people we trust to better understand how God is moving in our lives. 


All of us are on a unique spiritual journey, filled with ups and downs. Yet, God delights in our attempts to grow in our relationship and understanding of Him. The preceding statements are all ways in which you and I can better understand the presence of God in the midst of a world filled with noise and distractions.

Like Adam and Eve, we might be afraid to hear what God has to say about our thoughts and actions. We may even be afraid to hear what our communities have to say about our struggles. Yet, in silence, solitude, and prayer, God shapes us to reflect the Imago Dei the way Christ has during his time on the earth. As God continues to shape us, He calls us into a relationship with Him and the church body.

Ultimately, the business of the Lord is to teach and correct as part of our overall sanctification. The business of the enemy is to condemn and separate us from the presence of God. Yet, there is now no condemnation at all for those who are in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:1). As believers seeking to grow in our relationship with God, may we incorporate rhythms of silence in our regular schedules to be better present with God.

For more on these topics, see the following resources.

  1. Knowing Grace: Cultivating a Lifestyle of Godliness – Joanne Jung
  2. Where Prayer Becomes Real: How Honesty with God Transforms Your Soul – Kyle Strobel and John Coe
  3. The Spirit of Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives – Dallas Willard
  4. Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth – Richard Foster

Photo Credit: Johann Siemens

  1. Also known as the Design Argument, ID is a teleological argument for the existence of God. ID argues that God is likely the best explanation for the existence of things such as beauty, design, and order in the natural universe. For more, see “Arguments for the Existence of God,” The Existence of God, James Anderson,
  2. Joseph H. Hellerman, “When the Church Was a Family: Recapturing Jesus’ Vision for Authentic Christian Community,” (B&H Academic, 2009), 148.