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God’s Family: A Book Review of What is a Healthy Church Member?

What is God’s plan of care for his people? In What is a Healthy Church Member? Thabiti M. Anyabwile empowers readers to actively contribute to the vitality of the local church.

Engaged Theologians

Anyabwile’s call for church members to be deeply concerned about the health of the body as a whole resonated with me. Before I am a leader, I am first and foremost a member of the body of Christ. A healthy church is not just the result of faithful leadership, but of each member being actively engaged in the life of the church. This book serves as a powerful reminder that every member has a part to play in the church’s flourishing.

The first point Anyabwile makes is the importance of being an expositional listener of sermons. He challenges church members to engage with preaching not as passive spectators, but as active listeners who seek to understand and apply God’s Word to their lives. In the same vein, he emphasizes that every church member should be a biblical theologian—someone who knows and loves the Scriptures, and who is equipped to contribute thoughtfully to the life of the church.

Active Community

I was most challenged by Anyabwile’s assertion that there is no such thing as a passive church member. A healthy church member is not a mere attendee but an active, lifelong learner. Evangelism is not something that should be relegated solely to the pastors and leaders; rather, every member has a role to play in spreading the gospel. Anyabwile stresses that it is the church member who has the power to change the way the community perceives Christ and his bride. We all have a responsibility to reflect the gospel in how we live and engage with those around us.

I was most surprised to see that a healthy church member joyfully seeks discipline. Rather than viewing correction as something negative, a healthy church member understands that discipline is an expression of God’s love and care. Learning to recognize chastisement as evidence of God’s loving guidance, humbly accepting correction from others, and taking seriously the responsibility to help correct and restore others is a vital part of a healthy church community. Correcting is a form of caring.

God’s Family

Another theme that stood out to me was the centrality of prayer in the life of a healthy church member. Anyabwile emphasizes that prayer is not optional for the Christian—it is foundational to spiritual health and vitality. A church member who prays fervently is a member who contributes to the church’s health and growth in ways that go beyond what can be seen.

After reading this book, I want to better encourage others toward membership in the church but also to actively pursue the growth of those who are already part of the body. What is a Healthy Church Member? is a convicting, practical, and thoroughly biblical guide for anyone who desires to live as a faithful member of God’s family. 

I received a media copy of What is a Healthy Church Member? and this is my honest review.