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Announcing New SOLA Council Members for 2023

SOLA Network strives to influence the emerging generation of Asian Americans and those who lead them. In order to further this vision, we are grateful to announce the addition of 3 new members to the SOLA Council as of May 1, 2023. They are all influential, humble, godly leaders in the church who value the gospel, the church, Bible, and the Great Commission. 

We are proud to introduce Joey Chen, Enoch Liao, and Jason Tarn as new SOLA Council members. All three leaders have influential voices in the Chinese heritage church in America. In fact, Enoch and Jason are currently working with other leaders to host the first Chinese Heritage Church Collective on May 2-4, 2023. 

Joey Chen

Joey Chen currently serves as the Lead Pastor of Sunset Church in San Francisco, California. Joey grew up in Michigan and came to know and follow Jesus in high school. He attended Cedarville University, and while taking Bible classes, felt a call to ministry. This call led him to attend Trinity Evangelical Divinity School to further his pastoral and theological training.

Joey finished his Doctor of Ministry at Talbot School of Theology and hopes his research will further church multiplication in San Francisco. Joey feels a call to cities as they are a strategic place for Gospel ministry since it is where “all peoples of the earth” can be found. He is blessed to be married to Jeannette and they have two amazing daughters, Melia and Selah.

Enoch Liao

Pastor Enoch currently serves at Boston Chinese Evangelical Church (BCEC) as the Lead English Pastor overseeing English-speaking ministries at both the Chinatown and Newton campuses. Enoch is married to Karen and they have 3 sons at home and 1 daughter who has passed on. They have a dog named Colby.

Enoch received his education from UCLA and Talbot School of Theology in California, where both he and Karen grew up. He is the author of In Reverence And Awe, a practical worship leading resource. Enoch enjoys spending time with his family, running, and playing the occasional video game.

Jason Tarn

Jason Tarn is the Lead English Pastor of Houston Chinese Church, a non-denominational Chinese heritage church in Houston, TX. He received his bachelors from UT Austin and completed an M.Div at Regent College. Jason grew up at Houston Chinese Church as a teenager and has been pastoring there since 2011. His passion is to bring healthy reform to the immigrant church that is rooted in sound doctrine and a missional vision. He is married to Theresa and has two daughters, Talia and Maisie.

Others SOLA and SOLA-affiliated leaders who currently serve or have a background in the Chinese heritage church are Hanley Liu (SOLA Council), Ben Pun (SOLA Conference), Heidi Wong (SOLA Conference), Daniel Eng (SOLA Editorial), Faith Chang (SOLA Editorial), Aaron Lee (SOLA Digital), Jalon Chan (Bamboo Pastors podcast), and Jon Mann (Bamboo Pastors podcast).