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In Case You Missed It: Recapping AALC Interviews

For the past couple of months, we published interviews with speakers from our AALC 2024 conference, Writing the Next Chapter. In case you missed it, you can find all episodes on our Youtube Channel, Podcast, and summarized by theme below. We’ve also added other resources related to the speakers and topics. 

Asian American Theology & The Church

Daniel D. Lee and Ben Shin kicked us off with a discussion about describing “Asian American Theology” along with various misconceptions. Aaron Chung and Owen Lee also discussed how the Asian American Church is a place we get to be ourselves and call our own. 


What is Unique to the Asian American Church?

Will Chang and Kim Kira opened up about issues unique to Asian American pastors, and how they personally approach various challenges the pastorate introduces. While many people view Asian American churches as “monoethnic”, Enoch Liao and Terrence Shay brought to light the many other aspects of diversity present in the Asian American church, and the specific ministry opportunities they present. 

Soojin Park and Jen Kira discussed the growing demographic of older singles in the church and ways to minister to them and include them as a natural part of church life. Faith Chang and Tom Sugimura unpacked how the gospel frees us from the need to produce and perform, as many Asian Americans are raised to do.


Asian American Women in Ministry

Ruth Chou Simons and Soojin Park provided their perspective on what it has been like to be an Asian American woman in ministry, and their hopes for many other women who are trying to find their way. Cathy Chang and Heidi Wong shared about their personal journeys which led them to pursue seminary, what they took away from the experience, and encouragement for women interested in a seminary education.


Wisdom for Asian American Ministry Leaders

Ministry will inevitably be difficult at some point, and Ken Shigematsu and Steve Chang shared about the gospel comfort we can turn to when we find ourselves in a challenging season. Joey Chen and David Larry Kim spoke about how ministry leaders can think about “calling”, especially in a season when we’re not sure where we are supposed to be. 


Development for Asian American Ministry Leaders

We all have room to grow, and Paul Kim and Daniel K. Eng discussed how Asian American Ministry Leaders can think about this in their ministry context. Books on preaching can be insightful, but preaching as God gifted and intended is important as well. Matthew Kim and Hanley Liu discussed their individual journeys with preaching, and how to preach from your own voice.


Church Longevity and Immigrant Church Partnership

Steve Chang and Cory Ishida reflected upon their many decades in ministry to share learnings as well as hope for the future. Michael Lee and Jason Tarn spoke to their experience in partnering well with the immigrant church and what they have learned in the process. 


Youth Ministry for Asian Americans

Cameron Cole and Clark Fobes discussed how to uniquely minister to Asian American youth, while Danny Kwon and Kevin Yi provided a closer look at how youth ministry has evolved and what it looks like today from their collective experience. 


Counseling in an Asian American Context

Monica Kim and Will Chang spoke to how counseling is perceived and received in an Asian American context, while Tim St. John and Jonathan Holmes discussed practical ways to build a counseling ministry in the church. 


Global Missions

Joel Kim and Lloyd Kim discussed the need for missionaries in the field, and the opportunity available for Asian Americans to discern God’s call, be sent, and send others. 
