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TGIF: Roundup For May 1, 2020

As we complete the first quarter of this year, we are grateful for our readers and hope to serve you well during these difficult days. As the SOLA Network Assistant Digital Marketer, I would be happy to hear from you. Send me a DM on Twitter or Instagram.

Here are our top 5 articles so far in 2020:

Articles From Around The Web

1. Eugene Park: Our Idols Are Exposed in Times of Crisis

“It ravages every country, community, family, and class. It strips away the securities and identities we cling to, exposing our frailties and the gods we have come to worship. Chiefly: the god of self.”

2. Steve Chang: Four Habits Not to Fall into in Online Worship

Pastor Steve Chang instructs the church on how to make most of our online worship and the dangers of falling into bad habits in online worship.

3. Heidi Tai: Zacchaeus: The Sinner Who Was Seen

A devotional from Luke 19:1–10, exploring Jesus’ interactions with a ‘chief’ of sinners.

Books, Podcasts, Music, And More

1. Ask Pastor John Podcast: What Are the Spiritual Dangers of Technology?

“Technology can make our lives easier and more efficient than ever. But it can also slowly numb our affections to the things that matter most.”

2. Russell Moore on YouTube: Why I Wrote Each of My Books

“In this video, I talk about the reasons and inspiration behind my own books.”

3. Aaron Lee: Miscellaneous

This week I reviewed Why Does God Care Who I Sleep With? by Sam Allberry and Psalms For You by Christopher Ash. Our TGIF playlist is available on Spotify.

Featured This Week On SOLA Network

1. David J. Schuman: Living and Dying in the Time of COVID-19

“Let us live in this uncertain time with an unusual faith and purpose. Unafraid of death, let us look outward and serve in a time of great need. The church has a tremendous opportunity in this time to be a light to the world.”

2. Uzuhan with Moses Y. Lee: Why I Failed My Asian Parents and Became a Recording Artist

“I never saw myself as a leader or somebody with something worthwhile to say. But I think my journey as a musician has taught me to embrace the voice God has given to me and to leave it to him to bring my audience. And if I can leave behind anything in my journey as a musician, it’s this: Black lives matter.”

3. Amy Loh: Finding My Neediness in Postpartum Hours, Days, and Weeks

“There were so many times I prayed to God in tears, wondering how I would get through the next hour. But in the midst of my first postpartum weeks, God taught me just how needy and weak I was (and am) and how gracious and sufficient He is.”

4. Anonymous and Daniel K. Eng: Notes from the Hospital: Here’s What We’re Seeing

“Healthcare providers are people too and there is certainly fear that we will catch the disease. With increasing reports of healthcare providers getting the disease and dying from it, it certainly heightens our concern and fear. Pray that our families will be protected.”

5. Daniel K. Eng: How Asian Americans Connect with the Parable of the Prodigal Son

“For Asian Americans, many of us have acted like both the younger son and the older son in the story. But whether we are sojourners or hard workers, despite our rebellion we are invited to be in one family together with Jesus. That is good news indeed.”

6. TGIF: Roundup for April 24, 2020

In case you missed it: How Chinese Pastors Developed Their Theology for Suffering, The Sanctifying Grace of Inefficiency, and Goodnight Chinatown.

7. SOLA Network: TGIF Subscription

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General disclaimer: Our link roundups are not endorsements of the positions or lives of the authors.