Read all the way through for a new book giveaway, our book reviews collection, and our featured author Tom Sugimura!
Tom Lin is president and CEO of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, and this week we featured his AALC message on Resilient Leadership and Submitting our Asian American Idols to the King, as well as his interview with SOLA Editorial Board member and Exilic Church college ministry director Heidi Wong on How the Church Can Support College Students in Their Faith.
Karisa You continued her 4-part series on missionaries with Life as a Tapestry: The Miracle-Filled Life of Corrie ten Boom. In case you missed it, check out her previous entry with Bread for 100,000 Children: The Prayer Life of George Muller.
Our monthly newsletter features our most popular resources. Read our latest edition and join for free. Check out my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group and TGIF Playlist on Spotify. You can reach me on Twitter and Instagram.

Enter to win these new board books! Special thanks to The Good Book Company for providing our giveaway, presented in partnership with my newsletters for @diveindigdeep and FCBC Walnut.
Articles From Around The Web
1. Rachel Seo: Is the Future of Christian Music on TikTok?
“Faith informs different Christian artists’ definitions of success, with platforms like TikTok and Spotify enabling them to pursue their creative vision independently. But the attention they’ve found organically suggests there’s an audience that cares deeply about Christian art outside the constraints of the Christian contemporary music machine or even the booming worship music industry.”
Related: How We Are All A Part Of Christian Influencer Culture: An Interview With Rachel Seo by Aaron Lee
2. Blair Linne: It Takes a Christian Village
“When you find a Father in God, you find a family in his church. And all it takes is a Christian village to break the one-parent-absent-father stranglehold that can burden a child. Think of what we can do when we prioritize our spiritual families’ needs. When our faith meets our works. When our church members come in contact with our love. The impact on the fatherless will be life-transforming. The impact on the future could be generation-changing.”
Related: Supporting Adoptees and Parents of Adoptees: An Interview with Jonathan Holmes by Aaron Lee

Tom Sugimura pastors New Life Church in Woodland Hills and leads the Greenhouse Church Planting Residency. Check out our article collection featuring Tom Sugimura.
Books, Podcasts, Music, And More
1. Julius Kim: How to Preach Winsomely and Wisely
“At TGC21, Julius Kim explains how to deliver a sermon with wisdom and grace for the growth of God’s kingdom. Kim says that it’s critical to preach Christ through every passage, and he gives four specific ways to prepare a sermon, with key tips on how to preach it once prepared.”
Related: Leading TGC: An Interview with TGC President Julius Kim by Steve Chang
2. Leslie Ho: 2 Years of Walnut Women and Talking on Technology
I spoke with podcast producer Leslie Ho about creating for church, the dangers of a hurried lifestyle, and the importance of cultivating creativity in our children.
Related: Finding Faithfulness in the Digital Era: An Interview with Jay Y. Kim by Aaron Lee
3. Asian American Worship Leaders: Surely Goodness, Surely Mercy
Surely Goodness, Surely Mercy (Psalm 23) (Good Stewards Church) / Yet Not I (Citizens Church) / Turn Your Eyes (Anchor Community Church) / Your Glory / Nothing But the Blood (All Nations Community Church)
4. Aaron Lee: Related Works
Book Reviews: Dream Small by Seth Lewis, Mark For You by Jason Meyer, Draw Near by Sophie Killingley. Listen to our TGIF playlist on Spotify. Join my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group.

Check out our Book Reviews for reading recommendations, with an emphasis on Asian American authors.
Featured This Week On SOLA Network
1. Heidi Wong: How the Church Can Support College Students in their Faith: An Interview with Tom Lin
Supporting college students moving to a new city, using social media to reach out to new students, spending time with students to learn about them, and mental health.
2. Hannah Chao: The Billy Graham Rule
“As we live life together as brothers and sisters in Christ, let us remember that our actions will affect one another. Let us not rely on rules to help us to do it, as they create barriers and broken relationships. Rather, let us truly love one another, as Jesus calls us to do.”
3. Karisa You: Life as a Tapestry: The Miracle-Filled Life of Corrie ten Boom
“We may not feel ready for them now, but God has not called us to have the faith today that we will need for the trials of tomorrow. All He asks is that we give thanks, today.”
4. Tom Lin: Resilient Leadership and Submitting our Asian American Idols to the King
“The primary calling of Asian American leaders is to submit all of who we are and all of our leadership under the authority of Christ the King.”
5. TGIF: Roundup for September 9, 2022
What is the House Church? / Did the Pandemic Open Doors? Effects of COVID on Missions / Ruth Chou Simons: Social Sanity Book Club Chapter 9: Posting Well / Walnut Women Podcast: Overcoming Mom Guilt: Grace for the Imperfect Mom
6. SOLA Network: TGIF Subscription
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General disclaimer: Our link roundups are not endorsements of the positions or lives of the authors.