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The Best Book on Discipleship

Books are tremendous tools for discipleship. But with so many good resources out there, we can be tempted to forget the best book on the subject — the Bible.

Pastors and theologians have used the catchy acronym, S.C.A.N, to summarize four important attributes of the Bible: Sufficiency, Clarity, Authoritative, Necessary. Let us explore what those attributes mean and how they should shape how we disciple others.

1. Sufficiency

Is the Bible sufficient in teaching us how to change a flat tire? Can it help us file our taxes? Of course not. But the Bible is sufficient for teaching God’s children how to live in godliness and holiness.  In other words, if Christians want to grow in maturity, they don’t have to look anywhere but the Word.

Note the common factor in the Psalmist’s boast in Psalm 119: He has more wisdom than his enemies because God’s law is with him (v. 98); he has more prudence than his teachers because he meditates on God’s testimonies (v. 99); he has more understanding than the aged because he keeps God’s precepts (v100).

The sufficiency of Scripture is good news to Christians. As we seek to be discipled and disciple others, we can have confidence that the Bible can get the job done. Of course, other helpful resources may be of use. But we must never neglect the Bible in your discipling ministries. To do so would downplay the notion that the Bible is indeed “profitable” for godliness (2 Tim. 3:16).

Are you or your friend worrying about the present or future? Know that the Bible is sufficient to address your fears and use it to remember the sovereign Father who cares for our daily needs (Matt. 6:25–33). Are you discouraged in your fight with sin? Read the great comfort from God that he is a forgiving God and will complete his work of sanctification in you (1 John 1:9; Phil. 1:6).

2. Clarity

Is the entire Bible crystal clear? Not always.  Even the Apostle Peter admitted that some of Paul’s teachings are “hard to understand” (2 Pet. 3:16). Further, we know from experience that some doctrines or passages, like Romans 7 or the entire book of Revelation, are hard to understand (which is why so many faithful Christians differ with one another!).

So what does it mean that the Bible is “clear”? It means that the essential truths about Christianity from the Bible are clear. “The truth, the knowledge of which is necessary to everyone for salvation,” writes Dutch theologian Herman Bavinck, “is written in such a simple and intelligible form” (Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics, 477).

The clarity of Scripture is essential in discipling because it reminds us that what we need for godliness and salvation is clearly presented in the Bible and ordinary Christians can understand its teachings. Justification, the deity of Christ, atonement, and many important doctrines are unambiguous in Scripture. We don’t need a human priest or guru to mediate the gospel. Instead, all of God’s children, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, can read and learn from the Bible and grow in godliness.

3. Authority

One of the five driving mantras of the reformation, Sola Scriptura, was directed against the Roman Catholic Church’s inadequate view of Scripture. Rome argued that church tradition rivaled Scripture’s authority. Sola Scriptura, however, argued that Scripture alone is the final authority in the life of a believer and the church. No person, organization, or political power stands above it. Scripture brooks no rivals. What the Bible declares is final.

Monarchs are iron-fisted. Presidents are powerful. But we serve a King, who is far more sovereign and powerful than any human king. The king of creation spoke, and, indeed, continues to speak to us in his Word. No matter how upside-down our society and our political world may become, God has given us his immovable, certain, and authoritative book to live by. So, read to each other from it, knowing that the book in your hands holds more authority than any kings or presidents in history.

4. Necessity

Nature tells us something about the character of God. David proclaimed that “the heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above proclaims his work” (Ps. 19:1). Paul writes that creation reveals God’s “invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature” (Rom. 1:20). The skies reveal God’s majesty, the seas unveil his power, and the animals exhibit his wisdom as the Creator.

But as much as they tell us about God, they never explain how to be reconciled to God. Only the gospel of Jesus Christ fully and clearly reveals to us our depravity and God’s grace. Only Scripture empowers us to grow in maturity and godliness as we continue to battle in sin and forget our right standing with God. And this good news is written and recorded in a book. Nature isn’t enough to fully know God. To fully know God, to be reconciled to him, can only be possible by reading and believing the pages of the Old and the New Testaments.

Therefore, Scripture is necessary for a Christian’s life because it reveals the gospel! The doctrine of the necessity of Scripture reminds us that we cannot push aside the Bible in our discipleship ministry. Are there other resources that are helpful? Absolutely. But we must always return to the Word.

We need Scripture to encourage each other when others are discouraged. We need the Scripture to convict us of our sins. We need the Scripture to remind us of the gospel of Jesus. If we want to grow in Christlikeness, we need to trust the Scripture to do its work. Again, consider Psalm 119 as the psalmist praises and worships God because he uses his Word to illuminate his ways and paths of life (vv. 105-106).


Pastor Mark Dever defines discipling as “helping others to follow Jesus by doing deliberate spiritual good to them” (Dever, Discipling, 19). While there are many ways to spur one another by doing spiritual good, why not read the Bible together? Christian, consider reading and studying the Bible to each other in your discipling relationships. Read one of Paul’s letters on a Saturday morning at a coffee shop or try to memorize the Psalms together during the week. It may seem fruitless or awkward at first but remember this – the Word of God is sufficient, clear, authoritative and necessary for you and your brothers and sisters to grow in godliness and holiness. Trust in his Word and read.