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Tributes to Tim Keller from SOLA Network Contributors

Tim Keller has touched the hearts and minds of countless individuals, and his impact reverberates through his books, sermons, teachings, and personal connections. His wisdom, insight, and deep understanding of Scripture have transformed the lives of many, guiding them on their spiritual journeys and encouraging a vibrant relationship with God.

Recognizing the profound impact Tim has had on our lives, the team at SOLA Network wanted to provide an opportunity for others to share their own tributes to this remarkable servant of God. We have reached out to three past contributors who have graciously shared their reflections. These heartfelt tributes not only serve as a means to remember Tim as a fellow brother in Christ but also offer solace and inspiration as we continue to walk in the footsteps of our Savior, just as Tim did.

Thomas Hwang:

I used to always joke that if you didn’t like Timothy Keller, I probably wouldn’t like you. That’s because to me, Keller represented the best of Christianity. Before Keller, I thought Christianity was all about doctrine, obedience, and evangelism. But Keller introduced to me the importance of humility, grace, and mercy. He showed me you can emphasize truth without being a jerk; you can be learned but still be a learner; and you can’t love God without loving the less fortunate.

One underrated thing Keller did was integrate and platform Asian Americans in a way that was way ahead of its time. While many white majority churches claimed to be multi-ethnic, Redeemer was the only one that actually felt like it.

But most especially, Keller helped me love Jesus. Nobody shaped my Christian faith more than C.S. Lewis and Keller. While Lewis introduced me to Christianity, Keller showed me the beauty of the gospel.

Thank you, Tim Keller. You are the goat, and now you are with the Lamb.

Michael Agapito:

One of my heroes of faith has gone to be with the Lord. It would be hard for me to overstate the impact and influence that Tim Keller had on my life. It is safe to say that he is one of the main reasons that I am in ministry. I wouldn’t be where I am currently if it wasn’t for Tim.

I first heard Tim preach in 2015 when he happened to give the chapel message while I was a graduate student at Wheaton College. Afterward, I listened to any Tim Keller sermon I could find. God used that to plant the seeds of ministry in my heart. Through his teaching, I learned biblical theology, covenant theology, the law-gospel distinction, etc. Most importantly, I gained a deeper understanding of the gospel.

Confession: I was one email away from getting to know him. I’m friends with someone who had his personal email. But I chickened out. I thought he had much more important things on his plate, which I knew deep down was untrue based on personal stories I had heard about his unfeigned kindness and humility and how he gave everybody his time of day. I’m sure he would have chuckled at my nervousness.

I’ve honestly dreaded this day, though I knew it was close. It feels as if I have lost a mentor. And I know it might sound silly, but because he has become a familiar voice on my computer or phone every week for the past seven years, it feels as if I’ve lost a friend. I am indebted to Tim’s legacy and owe a lot to him. Though I’ve lost the opportunity to speak to him in this life, I know I’ll get that opportunity in the next; to which he will probably respond with a self-effacing chuckle before bringing my attention to the real hero: Jesus Christ.

I thought about what link I would share in his honor. But I know that he would rather that I point others to Jesus. That would be the best way to honor him. So here is my favorite Tim Keller sermon. No sermon I’ve listened to before or since has given me such a full love for the gospel as this one (and I think Amy would say the same). This sermon changed my life. Thank you, Tim.

Eddie Byun:

Gentle and lowly
Humble and holy

You knew Jesus as a friend
And walked faithfully with Him till the end

To so many you were a mentor
By keeping Jesus at the center

You were such a different pastor
It was never about numbers or your fame
You kept our eyes on Jesus
Like an arrow pointing to His name

He must become greater
I must become less
That was your heartbeat
That’s why we were blessed

You were a masterful artist 
Lifting our eyes to behold His face 
Each sermon painted the gospel 
So we stood in awe of amazing grace 

You kept Jesus at the center 
Inviting skeptics and friends to think
How the gospel is a diamond 
How its beauty changes everything 

Your life was one that spoke
Unveiling the gospel story
Now you can finally rest
As you are welcomed into glory

I can hear the Father say
Faithful servant. Well done.
Enter into my happiness
Tim Keller. My beloved son.

Thank You God, for the life and testimony of Timothy Keller.