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Where To Start If You’re Thinking About Adopting

Two years into our marriage, my wife Jess and I had a serious conversation about adoption. We did not have biological children, but a seed for adoption had been planted in our hearts several years before — and God gave it growth. We prayed that God would provide for us a child to adopt into our family.

Three years later, we received a call from our adoption agency that our son had been born. We named him Linus, and he is our son. Jess and I have been through the ups and downs of adoption and we are always open to share about our experience. It was and still is an adventure, and this toolkit can help you to start taking steps toward adoption.


Jen Oshman: How Do You Know If You Should Adopt?

“It’s common to hear young Christian couples say, “Of course, one day, we’d like to adopt.” It’s almost a cliché. But in our good desire to care for orphans, we shouldn’t enter thoughtlessly into adoption.”

This article presents four practical and tangible benchmarks that may help you determine if adoption or foster care are God’s will for you. It also acts as a prayer guide as you wait and as God stretches your faith.


1. Adopted for Life by Russell Moore

This book literally changed my life. It put God’s plan for adoption in my heart. It will root you in the theological convictions needed as you start on your journey.

2. Reclaiming Adoption: Missional Living Through the Rediscovery of Abba Father

I tried to read as much as I possibly could at the beginning of our adoption journey. Edited by Dan Cruver and featuring John Piper, this book was a standout and strengthened my theological convictions to view adopting children as missional engagement.

3. The Whole Life Adoption Book

“Authors Jayne E. Schooler and Thomas C. Atwood share insights into every aspect of adoption. This powerful resource addresses the needs and concerns facing adoptive parents, while offering encouragement for the journey ahead.”

This is a practical book that will be helpful as you prepare for different situations and challenges that come with adoption. It is realistic and recommended by the National Council for Adoption (NFCA).



“An Indian man who was separated from his mother at age 5 and adopted by an Australian couple returns home, determined to find his birth family.”

This inspirational biographical dramatic film helped me feel and understand some of the emotions behind adoption. It highlights the importance of family and belonging.


1. Why Every Christian Should Care about Adoption

“In this episode of The Crossway Podcast, Russell Moore shares about his own family’s adoption journey—and how it impacted his view of the gospel. He reflects on the way God changed his heart with regard to adoption, helping him come to see it as important for all Christians—even those who never end up adopting a child themselves.”

2. Rosaria Butterfield, Tony Merida, and Dennae Pierre: How You Can Encourage Adoptive Parents

“Christians have always cared for orphans. Over the past couple decades, we’ve seen more evangelicals than ever before become excited about and involved with adoption and foster care. Yet along with the joy of welcoming a child into a new family, adoptive parents encounter hardships, both foreseen and also unforeseen.“

These two podcast episodes are convicting. You hear from the heart of Christian brothers and sisters. I found them to be filled with practical considerations which will help you ground your expectations in the Gospel.


1. Adoption posts by Jess

Jess started an Instagram account to share about our adoption journey.

2. Adoption posts by Aaron

I’ve dedicated several articles to adoption on my website.


1. Bethany

Jess has this to say: “What really helped us move forward with adoption was attending Bethany’s international adoption info meeting. Even though it was [for] international [adoptions] and we were looking for domestic, it really helped us understand adoption. After that meeting, I felt a huge tug to continue forward. We eventually chose Bethany because we wanted to do a domestic adoption and we liked that they were a Christian organization that cares for the birthparents.”

2. Holt

We have not worked through Holt, but if and when we decide to do international adoption, we’ll probably look into this organization.

God Answers Prayer

We recently received Linus’ Certificate of Family Membership, which is the legal court order that makes his adoption official. His life is powerful proof that God answers prayer. Our family is a testimony to God’s faithfulness. And our story is one that we are ready and willing to share for the glory of God.

If all of this is still overwhelming, seeking the Lord’s will in Bible reading and prayer is always a great place to begin. Ephesians 1:3-14 has been foundational for us. May God grant you an open heart and a wise mind as well as faith in His plan. And may God give growth to your family!

“In love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved.
(Ephesians 1:4–6)