SOLA Network exists to influence the emerging generation of Asian Americans with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We review and recommend books, with a focus on Asian American authors and issues. For more, check out our YouTube Author Interviews.
Recent Book Reviews
Awards and Articles
- Many Voices, One Mission: Aaron Lee’s Faith Journey to Publishing by Tiffany Chu
- On My Shelf by Hanley Liu
- My Favorite Asian American Christian Books I Read in 2023 by Aaron Lee
- Tips and Resources for Teaching Children, Tweens, and Teens How to Pray by Faith Chang
- My Favorite Asian American Christian Books I Read in 2022 by Aaron Lee
- Our Family’s Favorite Children’s Books from Westminster Kids by Faith Chang
- The Best Christian Books by Asian American Authors in 2022 by SOLA Network
- The Best Books I Read in 2022 by Asian American Authors (So Far) by Aaron Lee
- 5 Children’s Bibles to Read with Your Family by Faith Chang
- The Best Book on Discipleship by Sam Koo
- Where To Start If You’re Thinking About Adopting by Aaron Lee
- Top Antiracist Resources For Asian American Christians by Rachel J. Lee and Moses Y. Lee
- Bible Reading Tool #3: Devotionals And Other Helpful Books by SOLA Network
- SOLA Book Recommendations for College Students (and Beyond) by SOLA Network
- My 10 Favorite Reads Of 2017 by Brett McCracken
Featured Books
Theological Book Recommendations
- Defending Shame: Its Formative Power in Paul’s Letters by Te-Li Lau (Review)
- Te-Li Lau discusses the formative power of shame in Paul’s letters.
- Reading the Psalms Theologically by David M. Howard Jr.; Andrew Schmutzer (Review)
- Understand the Psalter in a deeper, more meaningful way with this group of essays from contributors from around the world.
- Doing Asian American Theology: A Contextual Framework for Faith and Practice by Daniel D. Lee (Review, Interview)
- Be challenged and encouraged by Daniel D. Lee’s framework for Asian American theology.
Devotional Book Recommendations
- When Strivings Cease: Replacing the Gospel of Self-Improvement with the Gospel of Life-Transforming Grace by Ruth Chou Simons (Review, Interview)
- Remember that the gift of grace does not come from doing good deeds but in spite of our works.
- Shame: Being Known and Loved by Esther Liu (Review, Interview 1, Interview 2)
- This 31-day devotional will help you overcome shame and feel completely accepted by our Father.
- Refractions: A Journey of Faith, Art, and Culture by Makato Fujimura (Review)
- Learn how to see Jesus through faith, art, and culture.
Book Recommendations for Pastors and Preachers
- Finding Our Voice: A Vision for Asian North American Preaching by Matthew D. Kim, Daniel L. Wong (Review, Interview)
- Discover important contexts and principles when preaching to Asian North American Christians.
- Faith in the Wilderness: Words of Exhortation from the Chinese Church by Hannah Nation and Simon Liu (Review, Interview)
- Explore important theological truths from Chinese Christians who live faithfully despite persecution.
- Spurgeon the Pastor: Recovering a Biblical and Theological Vision for Ministry by Geoffrey Chang (Review)
- Learn about the life of Charles Spurgeon, with a special focus on his role as a pastor of a local church.
Curated Books List
This list is not meant to be comprehensive or exhaustive, but a curated collection of books with a focus on Asian American authors and issues. Listed in approximate order of the date the book was published.
- Changing Normal: Break Through Barriers to Pursuing Peace in Relationships by Jolene Kinser (Review)
- Walking with God Through the Valley: Recovering the Purpose of Biblical Lament by May Young (Review)
- The New Testament in Color: A Multiethnic Bible Commentary edited by Esau McCaulley with Janette H. Ok, Osvaldo Padilla, and Amy L. B. Peeler (Review)
- Great to Good: How Following Jesus Reshapes Our Ambitions by Jae Hoon Lee (Review)
- Wonders from Your Law: Nexus Passages and the Promise of an Exegetical Intertextual Old Testament Theology by Kevin S. Chen (Review, Interview)
- The Jesus I Wish I Knew in High School: Asian American Edition by Kevin Yi and Rooted Ministry (Review)
- Mamie Takes a Stand: A Chinese American Girl’s Fight for School Rights by Marie Chan (Review, Interview)
- Grounded in Grace: Helping Kids Build their Identity in Christ by Jonathan D. Holmes (Review)
- Finding You: 8-Week Teen Bible Study Guide by Izzy Koo (Interview)
- Ruined Sinners to Reclaim: Sin and Depravity in Historical, Biblical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspective edited by David Gibson and Jonathan Gibson (Review)
- Listen, Listen, Speak: Hearing God and Being Heard in a Noisy World by Jay Y. Kim (Review)
- Now and Not Yet: Pressing in When You’re Waiting, Wanting, and Restless for More by Ruth Chou Simons (Review)
- A Letter to the Asian American Church, edited by Steve. S. Chang
- Peace Over Perfection: Enjoying a Good God When You Feel You’re Never Good Enough by Faith Chang, afterword by Esther Liu (Review, Interview)
- This Homeward Ache: How Our Yearning for the Life to Come Spurs on Our Life Today by Amy Baik Lee (Review)
- Light of the Word: How Knowing the History of the Bible Illuminates Our Faith by Susan C. Lim (Review, Interview)
- Faithful Ministry Through Chinese Churches in America: The Legacy of the Fellowship of American Chinese Evangelicals by Daniel K. Eng
- The Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge, Guided Annotating Edition by Daniel K. Eng (Review, Interview)
- If Jesus Went to College: A Collection of Spiritual Encounters by Karisa You
- The Power of Revival: Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Baptism in the Spirit, and Preaching on Fire by Dongjin Park (Review)
- A Longing to Belong: Reflections on Faith, Identity, and Race by Michelle Lee-Barnewall (Interview)
- Who You Are: Internalizing the Gospel to Find Your True Identity by Judy Cha (Review)
- Closer Than They Appear by Heidi Wong (Review)
- The Anxiety Opportunity: How Worry Is the Doorway to Your Best Self by Curtis Chang
- Tell Me the Dream Again: Reflections on Family, Ethnicity, and the Sacred Work of Belonging by Tasha Jun (Review, Interview)
- Now I Become Myself: How Deep Grace Heals Our Shame and Restores Our True Self by Ken Shigematsu (Interview)
- A Holy Haunting: Why Faith Isn’t a Leap but a Series of Staggers from One Safe Place to Another by Sam D. Kim (Review, Interview)
- Reading the Psalms Theologically by David M. Howard Jr.; Andrew Schmutzer (Review)
- Redeeming Vision: A Christian Guide to Looking at and Learning from Art by Elissa Yukiko Weichbrodt (Review)
- Made to Belong: Five Practices for Cultivating Community in a Disconnected World by David Kim (Review, Interview)
- Neo-Calvinism: A Theological Introduction by N. Gray Sutanto and Cory C. Brock (Review)
- An Explorer’s Guide to John Calvin by Yudha Thianto (Review)
- The Cross in Context: Reconsidering Biblical Metaphors for Atonement by Brad Vaughn (formerly Jackson Wu) (Review)
- Doing Asian American Theology: A Contextual Framework for Faith and Practice by Daniel D. Lee (Review, Interview)
- Humble Confidence: A Model for Interfaith Apologetics by Benno van den Toren and Kang-San Tan (Review)
- Honor, Patronage, Kinship, and Purity: Unlocking New Testament Culture (Second Edition) by David A. deSilva (Review)
- Spurgeon the Pastor: Recovering a Biblical and Theological Vision for Ministry by Geoffrey Chang (Review)
- How to Save the World: Disciplemaking Made Simple by Alice Matagora (Review)
- Taste and See: All About God’s Goodness by Irene Sun (Review, Interview)
- Emmanuel: An Invitation to Prepare Him Room at Christmas and Always by Ruth Chou Simons (Review)
- Shame: Being Known and Loved by Esther Liu (Review, Interview 1, Interview 2)
- Analog Christian: Cultivating Contentment, Resilience, and Wisdom in the Digital Age by Jay Y. Kim (Review)
- Faithful Disobedience: Writings on Church and State from a Chinese House Church Movement by Wang Yi, Hannah Nation, and J. D. Tseng (Review)
- ESV Expository Commentary: Isaiah–Ezekiel, Series edited by Iain M. Duguid, James M. Hamilton Jr., Jay Sklar, Contributions by Jonathan Gibson, Bob Fyall, Jerry Hwang (Review)
- Learning Our Names: Asian American Christians on Identity, Relationships, and Vocation by Sabrina S. Chan, Linson Daniel, E. David de Leon, and La Thao (Review)
- Preaching to a Divided Nation by Matthew D. Kim, Paul A. Hoffman (Review, Interview)
- The Race-Wise Family by Helen Lee and Michelle Ami Reyes (Review)
- Faith in the Wilderness: Words of Exhortation from the Chinese Church by Hannah Nation and Simon Liu (Review, Interview)
- The Jesus I Wish I Knew in High School edited by Cameron Cole and Charlotte Getz (Review)
- Small-Group Workbook: The Bible in 52 Weeks for Men: A Yearlong Bible Study Companion by Daniel Sung Hyun
- Rescue Skills: Essential Skills for Restoring the Sexually Broken by Deepak Reju, Jonathan D. Holmes (Interview)
- Rescue Plan: Charting a Course to Restore Prisoners of Pornography by Deepak Reju, Jonathan D. Holmes (Interview)
- When Strivings Cease: Replacing the Gospel of Self-Improvement with the Gospel of Life-Transforming Grace by Ruth Chou Simons (Review, Interview)
- Even If by Mitchel Lee (Review, Interview)
- Preaching to People in Pain by Matthew D. Kim (Review, Interview)
- Ministers of Reconciliation: Preaching on Race and the Gospel by Daniel Darling (Editor), Russell Moore (Foreword), contributions by Matthew D. Kim, J. Daniel Hays, J. D. Greear, Lemanuel Williams, Bryan Loritts, Dhati Lewis, Raymond Chang, Ray Ortlund, Jared C. Wilson, Jamaal Williams, Juan R. Sanchez, Joey Royal (Review)
- Becoming All Things: How Small Changes Lead To Lasting Connections Across Cultures by Michelle Ami Reyes (Review, Interview)
- The Big Idea Companion for Preaching and Teaching by Matthew D. Kim (Editor), Scott M. Gibson (Editor) (Review, Interview)
- In Reverence and Awe: The Practice of Leading Worship with Excellence by Enoch Liao (Review)
- Finding Our Voice: A Vision for Asian North American Preaching by Matthew D. Kim, Daniel L. Wong (Review, Interview)
- Defending Shame: Its Formative Power in Paul’s Letters by Te-Li Lau (Review)
- Analog Church: Why We Need Real People, Places, and Things in the Digital Age by Jay Y. Kim (Interview)
- You Are What You Do: And Six Other Lies about Work, Life, and Love by Daniel Im
- Grace to the City: Studies in the Gospel from China by S. E. Wang and Hannah Nation (Review)
- GraceLaced: Discovering Timeless Truths Through Seasons of the Heart by Ruth Chou Simons
- MultiAsian.Church: A Future for Asian Americans in a Multiethnic World by DJ Chuang
- Tapestry of Grace: Untangling the Cultural Complexities in Asian American Life and Ministry by Benjamin C. Shin, Sheryl Takagi Silzer
- God Redeeming His Bride: A Handbook for Church Discipline by Robert K. Cheong
- Refractions: A Journey of Faith, Art, and Culture by Makato Fujimura (Review)
For a possible book review, interview, or feature, contact Aaron Lee (